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what is a backlink and how do I make them?


What is a back link

Friends, if you do blogging or have a website, then you must have heard the name backlink, but do you know what is a back link? How do I create a backlink? And how important are backlinks to getting a good ranking in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP)?

If not, then definitely read this text till the end, due to the fact that in this newsletter we're going to speak about inbound links and will provide you with accurate statistics on all the topics associated with one-way links. Whenever we talk about off-page SEO, the first thing that comes to mind is backlinks. This is also true to a great extent because building links is also an important ranking factor in Google's 200+ ranking factors.

Backlinks are referred to by many names, such as "inbound links", "building links", "incoming links" or "one-way links". In other words, you can also consider backlinks as votes.

It means to say that, be it Google or any other search engine, these backlinks are considered "votes". Pages that have a high number of backlinks often rank higher in the SERPs. Note that this is not always the case, as there are many other factors influencing search ranking.

Although off-page SEO is not limited to just backlinks, it is much more than what we have told you in a previous article. But in this article, we will learn completely about backlinks and their importance in Search Engine optimisation.

What is a backlink

So friends, without wasting time, let's start today's article and know what backlinks are. In detail.

What is a backlink

Backlinks work to connect two websites. In other words, the way to get from one website to another is through backlinks. Suppose there is a website A, and the link to that website is on another website B. That would mean that website A has a backlink from website B.

Let us explain it with an actual-life example so that it is simple and you can understand backlinks.

Whenever you go for an interview with a private company, you usually go with the reference of a friend or relative who is already familiar with that company. With the help of that, you get that job fast. Because the HR department of the company gives priority to you before other candidates due to the reference of your friend.

The way your friends are doing reference work here Similarly, backlinks also work for the website. If you see this example by linking it to the backlink,

  • You are the website.
  • Friends or relatives are backlinks for you.
  • And companies are search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).

In this case, you should have easily understood what is a Backlink. Let us now know how many types of backlinks there are.

types of backlinks

In this manner, humans used to give greater precedence to only two types of backlinks: do-follow and no-follow. But due to Google's new Link Spam Update in 2021, other types of backlinks are also important, which you should know about.

Backlinks are mainly of four types:

Sponsored Backlink
UGC Backlink

1. Do-Follow-Backlink

When the link to your site is on another website, and the owner of that website indicates to the search engine that it follows this website because it is a reliable website, then it is called DO-Follow-Backlink.

There is no tag or follow in DO-Follow-Backlink. Search engines give more importance to do-follow links, so creating this type of backlink improves the ranking of the website.

do-follow attribute

<a href= "">Anchor text</a>

2. No-Follow-Backlink

When the link to your site is on another website and the owner of that website indicates to the search engine not to follow this website because, for some reason, the link to this website is on my website, then it is called a No-Follow Backlink.

No-Follow-Backlink has a tag of no follow. Those aren't very useful for ranking in search engines like Google and Yahoo; however, nofollow links are also vital to reinforce the link Profile of an internet site or weblog. If all your links are DoFollow, then Google will feel that your profile link is not natural and can penalise you for that. That's why you should create no-follow backlinks along with do-follow ones.

No Follow attribute

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Anchor text</a>

3. Sponsored Backlink

Any Backlink that has the tag sponsored is called a sponsored backlink." The sponsored attribute on the link is used for all Paid Links like guest posts, affiliate links, sponsor links, etc. on the website.

sponsored attribute

<a href="" rel="sponsored">Anchor Text</a>

4. UGC Backlink

The full name of uGC is user-generated content. This attribute is used for consumer-generated links (one-way links given with the aid of the user within the comments). In this manner, every time a person comments, by default, the UGC attribute is added to it.

UGC attribute

<a href="" rel="ugc">Anchor Text</a>

How to make a backlink

Although there are many different methods of making backlinks, I have told you about the methods by which even a new blogger can make backlinks.

1: By guest post

A guest post is one of the best and most effective ways to build backlinks. You can create a high-quality do-follow link through a guest post. Traffic also comes to a new blog through guest posts.

To post a guest post, you have to contact the owner of the high-authority blog related to your Niche and request a guest post. If they accept the guest post request, then you can create a high-quality backlink by posting a guest post on that blog.

2: Through social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a web-based service that allows website users to find, manage, organise, store, and share content. Social bookmarking websites domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA) are very high. You can create your account on these websites and add the link to the website as well.

If you search the Google Social Bookmarking Website List, you will find many websites on which you can create backlinks. And can get good traffic.

3: By Comment

You can also create backlinks by commenting on blogs with high Authority related to your area of interest. But mostly, no follow-backlink is available through comments, but it is important to strengthen the link profile of the website. No Link Juice is passed in No Follow Backlink.

To make a backlink through a comment, comment on those blog posts that are related to your Niche and add a link to your website in the comment. While creating comment backlinks, you should also keep in mind that you should not spam.

4: Through the Q&A website

Forum websites are websites where people ask questions and get answers. A no-follow backlink is also available from the forum website.

For your blog, you can answer people's questions on Forum websites like Quora or Google Question Hub, and do not forget to add a link to your website in your answer. Good traffic comes to the blog from the forum website, and along with it, backlinks are also available.

If your blog is still new, you can initially create backlinks through these four methods.

How do I check website backlinks?

To test the one-way links of any website, you can search on Google by typing inbound link Checker. Here you will find many tools through which you can check the backlinks of any website.

Following are some backlink checker SEO tools:

ahref backlink checker
Neil Patel's Backlink Checker
SEMrush Backlink Checker, etc.

Questions & Answers 

Q – What is Anchor Text?
Anchor Text is the text to which a hyperlink is attached. Just like when we give a link to a text in our article, it is called anchor Text.

Q – What is Link Juice?
When you get a DO-Follow-Backlink from any website, then your website gets some value from that website; in the language of SEO, this value is called Link Juice.

Q – What is a low-quality Backlink?
If the link to your website is made on a website whose Spam Score is high, or if a link to your website is made on a spammy website, then this type of backlink is called a low-quality Backlink. By making low-quality backlinks, the ranking of the internet site falls, so by no means make such backlinks.

Q – What is a high-quality Backlink?
When the link to your website is made on a website that has more authority, such as a reliable website or a website related to your Niche, then such a link is called a high-quality Backlink. There are many benefits to making high-quality backlinks. This improves ranking and also increases the value and authority of the website.

Q – What is internal linking?
When you give a link to any other webpage of your own in one of your webpages, it is called internal Linking.

Q – What is an external link?
When you link another website or its webpage to your webpage, it is called an external link.

Q – How long does it take for backlinks to be indexed by search engines?
There is no exact answer to this, but often most of the backlinks are indexed by Search Engines in a week.

Q – What is the definition of backlink?
A backlink is a link that is created when one website provides a link to another website. That is, one internet site refers to another internet site. Back links are also referred to as "inbound hyperlinks" or "incoming hyperlinks". Link-building strategy is very important from a search engine optimisation point of view.

Q – Which type of backlink is the least important?
Nofollow backlinks are the least important. It is not even very valuable. That is because it directs search engines like Google to ignore this unique hyperlink. According to Google's official definition, the nofollow tag is "a way webmasters tell search engines not to follow this type of link.

Q – Do backlinks still work today?
Yes, backlinks still work. But now that Google's algorithms are focusing more on the quality of the content, backlinks still have their own importance.

Q – How many backlinks are considered safe to make in a day?
Making 10 backlinks in a day is considered safe, and it is also good for the growth of your website.

Q – Are backlinks necessary to rank a blog?
Yes, backlinks are very important for ranking a blog. This is because having backlinks gives the search engine signals that you have good content. In other words, the better the quality of the backlinks, the more chances there are. Having an article rank on a search engine. 

Q – How do backlinks appear?
Backlinks appear just like normal links. There is nothing unique about this. This is just a way through which a visitor can go from one website to another.

Q – Can the article be ranked without backlinks?
Yes, an article can be ranked even without a backlink. But here you have to understand that if a keyword is competitive, then you definitely need some building links. Otherwise, you can rank your article by writing good relevant content and using on-page and off-page SEO in the right way.

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