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how do i get my website higher up on google

In today's article, we are going to learn how do i get my website higher up on google. If you are not able to get your blog ranked on the first page of Google, then neither traffic nor money can come to your blog.

Whenever a new blogger creates a blog, his main goal is to rank the blog on the first page of Google. An educated blogger who has been in the field of blogging for a long time gets his blog ranked with little trouble, but for a new blogger who does not have significant knowledge of blogging, it is very difficult for him to rank the blog.

How to rank website on google

By way of example, you may bring visitors to the blog in lots of ways, but the best traffic is organic traffic.

If you are also a brand new blogger and your blog is not ranking in Google, then via this article I am going to inform you about more than 15 such ways. Through the use of which you can get your blog ranked. 

So let's start this article without taking much of your time and know how do i get my website higher up on Google. 

how do i get my website higher up on google

Based on my experiences and research, I have told you the 17 best ways to get your blog ranked. I have full hope that if you apply the methods mentioned in this article to your blog, then it will definitely rank.

1: Buy a top-level Domain

In today's time, there is so much competition in blogging that you need a top-level domain name to get your blog ranked. Many new bloggers maintain their blogs on subdomains for years, and even after hard work, they do not achieve success.

You should have observed for yourself that the websites that rank in Google have top-level domain names. That's why the first rule to rank in Google is to buy a top-level Domain.

Also, keep in mind that you must include keywords related to your Niche in the domain name so that your blog will appear in Google for that keyword as well.

2: Submit your website to the Google Search Console

When you create your new blog, you also have to tell Google about it, for which Google has created a tool called Google Search Console (GSC). When you submit your blog to Google Search Console, Google's crawlers crawl your website, and if your webpages are indexable, they also index them.

When your webpage, i.e., blog post, gets indexed in Google, only then does Google give it a ranking in the search engine result page. That's why it is very important to submit your blog to Google Search Console. It takes about a month for a new website to be indexed by Google.

3: Work on low-competition keywords

In today's time, the competition in blogging is very high; about 2,000 blogs are created every day. In this situation, if you write a blog post on a keyword about which thousands of websites have already written on Google, it will be very difficult to get your blog ranked.

Because you have to backtrack to your competitor's website. If the domain authority, content, and (search engine optimization) SEO of your competitor's website are all of high quality, then it is very difficult for you to rank for that keyword.

But if you do keyword research well before writing a blog post and find keywords in which there is very little competition or Google has very little information on that keyword, Then the probabilities of your blog getting ranked on Google increase. Is. In the beginning, you should constantly work only on long-tail and low-competition keywords.

You can also buy a paid tool to do keyword research, or you can do keyword research through a free keyword research tool.

4: Write Quality content

"Content is King" is the saying of Google itself; if your content does not have power, then you can adopt as many tricks as you want, but your blog is not going to rank. Quality Content means content that can correctly answer the user's query. Think for yourself: would you like to go to a blog where you do not get satisfactory answers to your questions?

Google has many factors to rank a blog, but the most Important of them is Search Intent. Search intent means what the intention behind the user's query is. Google knows the search intent and displays the best result in response to the user's query.

If you understand the search intent and write an article that gives the correct answer to the user's question, then your blog post will definitely rank on the first page of Google.

5: Write a Unique Blog Post

Today, Google is very advanced, so it does not allow any type of copyrighted material. If you copy content from another blog, then Google comes to know about this activity of yours, does not index your blog post, and blocks your blog from its list when some copyright strikes come. Then, even after searching the URL, you won't be able to see your blog on Google.

If you can't write unique articles, then maybe you shouldn't do blogging, because blogging is a platform where we share our thoughts, knowledge, or experiences with the world and not other people. Therefore, if you can write content that is different and unique from all others, then enter the field of blogging; otherwise, only your time will be wasted.

Along with unique content, you should also use copyright-free images on your blog. There are many such websites on the Internet from which you can download copyright-free images for your blog.

6: Do on-page SEO for the blog

Along with your user, your blog post has to be optimised for the search engine as well, so that the crawlers of the search engine can also understand it. For this, you have to improve the on-page SEO of your blog.

On-page SEO is completely in your hands; the better you optimise your content for search engine crawlers, the better you will rank.If you do not know how to do SEO,

Read This :–

7: Write Supporting articles

Supporting articles are also an important ranking factor in ranking a blog post. A supporting article is an article that is relevant to the main article.

Let us Know with an example: Suppose you want to rank your blog on the specific keyword "What is SEO", and you've written an article about this keyword. So for this, you can write Relevant Supporting Articles on some of the following keywords:

As -

What is On-Page SEO
What is off-page SEO
What is Technical SEO
How to do SEO
What is white hat SEO etc.

After writing the supporting articles, you've got to link them with the main article. which is called internal linking. In such a situation, the crawler understands that there is more content about SEO for the user on your blog than on other blogs, so it gives priority to your blog first, which ranks your blog. In this way, you could rank your website.

8: Create high-quality backlinks

Backlinks are also an important ranking factor in ranking a blog. Backlinks play a supporting role in getting the blog post ranked and building Google's trust in the website. If you get a Do-follow backlink from a high-authority website, then the Reputation of your website increases in the eyes of Google.

Because Google indicates by Do-follow backlinks that high-authority websites are also supporting your website, it means that your content is beneficial for the user, and your blog starts ranking. Along with this, the Domain Authority and Page Authority of your website also increase with the backlink.

On the one hand, backlinks are beneficial, but on the other hand, there are some disadvantages too. If you get a backlink from a low-quality website, then the Spam Score of your blog increases, and in the eyes of Google, your website's reputation gets spoiled, which downgrades the ranking of your blog. That's why you should always get high-quality backlinks from only good websites.

You can create good-quality backlinks for your blog in ways like guest posting, directory submission, blog submission, etc.

9: Share the blog on social media

You must know the power of social media; many people become famous overnight through it. That's why you can promote the blog on social media to make it popular.

Whenever you create a blog, you should create an account for your blog on at least five social media platforms and share the blog post there as well. Sharing blog posts on social media will bring instant traffic to your blog, and if people like your post, Google will also like it.

You will also get the advantage of sharing posts on social media so that you can create an audience on different social media platforms as well.

10: Speed up the website

Blog speed is also very important to rank the blog in 2023. Because users do not like to read such a blog on the internet, which takes a long time to load. You can see the example of YouTube itself, where even a 5-second ad seems long.

If you write a good SEO-friendly blog post and also make backlinks for it, but if the loading speed of your website is not correct, then Google is not going to rank your website. Because a website that takes more time to load spoils the user experience.

If your website starts ranking even by mistake, then users do activities like Pogo sticking on your website, which also increases your bounce rate, and Google automatically downgrades the ranking of your website.

To increase the speed of your website, you need to invest in good hosting. Bluehost is the best web hosting for a new blogger because you get hosting for a year at a very low price, and a domain name is also free. Is found. And Bluehost hosting is also recommended by WordPress itself. If you need it, you could increase the speed of your website by taking web hosting from Bluehost.

11: Keep the blog's design simple

Many bloggers use unnecessary CSS and JavaScript to make their blogs shine, which instead of giving them a good look, makes them very heavy. Due to which neither the website loads on time. Nor can the user read the blog properly.

But if you keep the blog simple, then the user can easily read it. Google also needs the same; if the user is happy with your blog, then Google will rank it.

That's why, instead of making the blog more glittery, keep it simple. Always try not to put more advertisements, pop-up windows, unnecessary CSS, etc. in the blog. When you design the blog, give it a silo structure.

12: Make the website mobile-friendly

In today's time, most people access the internet from mobile devices and also read blogs from mobile devices only. That's why it is very important for the blog to be mobile-friendly.

Along with being mobile-friendly, it is also necessary for the blog to be responsive. Responsive means that the blog can open properly on all screens. Because the screen sizes of mobiles from different companies are also different, and many people use the internet from tablets as well,

If your website is on WordPress, then there are many themes available to make the website responsive and mobile-friendly.

You could use GeneratePress; it's responsive as well as lightweight, which will also increase the speed of your blog. Many bloggers use this theme on their blogs.

You may use Google's official Mobile Friendly Tool to check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

13: Use Schema Data

If you are a new blogger, then you will know little about Schema Data. Schema Data, also known as Schema Markup, Rich Results, or Rich Snippet, is a microdata of the blog post that shows the information related to the entire post in the search result itself.

If you use Schema Data in your articles, then it increases the chances of your blog getting ranked. You can use Schema Data like How to, Table, FAQ, Review, etc. according to your blog post. In WordPress, you have many plugins through which you can apply Schema Data.

14: Keep the technical SEO of the blog correct

The technical SEO of the blog should also be correct to get it ranked on Google. If there is any Technical Error in your blog, then for this reason also, your blog does not rank.

To keep the Technical SEO of the blog correct, you must do an SEO Audit of your website at least twice a month.

15: Post regularly

To get the blog ranked, you also have to publish new posts regularly. If you sit down after writing a post and think that this post of yours will rank, then it is not going to happen. When you publish posts regularly, only then does the authority of your blog increase, along with the Crawl Budget of your blog.

By increasing the crawl budget, Google's crawlers give more time to your blog and index more and more of your posts. That's why I regularly publish posts on a schedule.

16: Update an old post

Along with publishing new posts, keep updating old ones as well. And when you update the post, change its date as well. By updating the old post, none of your posts remain outdated, and Google also ranks your blog post.

17: Be patient

If you follow all these methods, then even after this, you have to be patient for at least 6 months because new blogs do not rank quickly due to the Google Sandbox Effect. It takes 3 to 6 months to rank a new blog, and that too if there is continuity in your work, so it is very important to be patient when blogging. If you don't know what the Google Sandbox Effect is,

Read This :–

FAQ: How to rank a blog

Q: How long does it take for a new blog to get ranked?
If you are a new blogger and you work regularly on your blog, then it may take 6 months to 1 year to rank your blog.

Q: How do i get my website higher up on Google? 
In this article, we have told you more than 15 ways through which you can get your blog ranked on the first page of Google.

Thanks for reading. 

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