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what is web hosting and types of web hosting

Today I can inform you what is web hosting? Having a personal website is a big deal. It is not a matter for everyone to maintain the website; for this, it is very important to have proper knowledge. To create an internet site, many things ought to be stored in your mind, including having a domain name and hosting for your internet site, which are very critical and because of which our website gets recognition.

what is web hosting
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But people who are new to the world of blogging do not realise a whole lot about the means of website hosting, and that is why they pick the wrong web hosting in keeping with their needs, due to which they have to face a lot of problems going forward.

That's why today in this article I will give you information about what is web hosting and how many types there are. So that you can select the right website hosting for your internet site.

What is web hosting

Web hosting provides the service of giving space to all websites on the Internet. Because of this, the website of any one person or organisation can be accessed through the Internet all over the world. With the aid of giving space, I mean that it stores your internet site's files, photographs, movies, videos, etc. on a special computer. That is what we call an internet server.

What is a webhost

Web hosting services are provided by many companies, like Godaddy, Hostgator, Bluehost, etc. And we additionally name them web hosts.

In a sense, we can also say that we pay rent to store our website on other high-powered computers (web servers), just like we pay rent to live in a stranger's house.

How does web hosting work

When we create our website, we want to share our knowledge and information with people, so for that, we have to first upload our files to web hosting.

After doing this, whenever an Internet user types your domain name on his web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera), for example,, the Internet will connect your domain name to that web server. Adds where the files of your website are already storedIs placed.After adding, all the information on the website reaches that user's computer, and from there, The user views the web page in line with his desires and gets information.

DNS (domain call system) is used to assign a website name to web hosting. This lets the domain know on which network server your website is hosted. Because the DNS of every server is exceptional.

Where can I buy web hosting

There are many companies in the world that offer great website hosting. If you want all your visitors to be from India only, then it would be better to buy hosting from India. The farther away your hosting server is from your country, the longer it will take you to access the website.

If you buy website hosting from all the net hosting providers in India, then you will not need a credit card for that. You may buy through your ATM card or internet Banking. Once you buy hosting, you can easily access it by associating it with your domain name. Below, you will find the names of some websites that are trustworthy and provide good service.

Hostgator India

Which hosting should I buy

You will have many options for buying web hosting, but you will have to decide which company is right for your needs. Before buying website hosting, it is very important to have some knowledge about hosting.

disc space

Disc Space is the storage capacity of your host. Just like your computer has 500GB and 1TB of storage, hosting also has storage. If possible, buy hosting with unlimited disc space. With this, you'll never be at risk of getting your disc full.


How much data can your website access in a second? We call it bandwidth. While a person accesses your website, your server makes use of some data to share the information. If your bandwidth is low and more visitors are accessing your website, then your website will be down.

up time

The quantity of time your website remains online or available is known as uptime. Sometimes, due to some problems, your website gets down, which means it cannot open. We call it downtime. Nowadays, every company gives a guarantee of 99.99% uptime.

types of web hosting

You have come to know what web hosting is and how it works. Now let's know how many types there are. There are many types of web hosting, but in today's time, we will only know about those that are being used the most. So basically, there are 4 varieties of website hosting.

1) Shared web hosting
2) VPS (Virtual Private Server)
3) Dedicated hosting
4) Cloud Web Hosting

1. Shared Web Hosting

While we go out of the house to study or for a job, we live in a rented house in which many other humans share an identical room with us, just like shared web hosting Works.

There is only one server in shared web hosting, where the files of thousands of websites are stored simultaneously on the same server computer; hence, the name of this hosting has been kept shared.

Shared web hosting is right for those who have just made their website because this hosting is the cheapest. With this hosting, you will not have to face trouble until your website becomes famous, and when visitors start increasing on your website, you can also change your hosting.

As this is a shared web server, if any website becomes very busy, all other websites will slow down due to that, and it will take time to open their page. This is the largest demerit of this net website hosting. Shared website hosting is typically used by new bloggers. In this way, many users use the CPU and RAM of the same system.

Benefits of Shared Hosting

  • It is very easy to use and setup this hosting.
  • That is an amazing alternative for fundamental websites.
  • Its cost is very low, so everyone can buy it.
  • Its control panel is very user-friendly.

Disadvantages of shared hosting

  • On this hosting, you will get access to very limited resources.
  • Since you share the server with others, there is a possibility of its performance being slightly up and down.
  • Its security is not that much better.
  • Nearly all companies do not provide much help in this area.

2. VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is like a hotel room. Wherein You've got the right to all the things in that room. There is no sharing by anyone else in this. Visualisation technology is used in VPS hosting. Wherein a strong and relaxed server is truly divided into distinctive elements.

But one-of-a-kind sources are used for each digital server. Because of this, your website can use as many resources as it desires. Here, you do not have to share with every other website, and your internet site receives exceptional security and performance.

This hosting is a bit costly, and websites with more visitors use it. If you want dedicated server performance for less money, then a VPS is best for you.

Benefits of VPS Hosting

  • This web hosting service provides exceptional performance.
  • In this case, you get full control, just like with dedicated hosting.
  • In this way, you get more flexibility because you can customise it in your own way and change things like memory upgrades and bandwidth.
  • It is not more costly than dedicated web hosting, due to which it may be bought by anyone who has more traffic.
  • Its privacy and security are very good.
  • Apart from this, you are supplied with top support.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

  • In this case, you are provided with fewer resources as compared to dedicated hosting.
  • To control it, you should have technical knowledge.

3. Dedicated Hosting

The way in which shared hosting Many websites share the space of a single server; dedicated hosting is its complete opposite. The example of this is that, just like a person has a big house of his own and no one else is allowed to live in it, and all the responsibility of that house is only with that person, the work of dedicated hosting is also similar.

The server in dedicated hosting stores only one website's files, and it is the fastest server. There is no sharing in this. And this website hosting is the most costly because only one person has to pay the whole lease.

Whose website gets more visitors every month? This hosting is only suitable for them. And also for individuals who want to earn more money from their website. Many e-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, and Snapdeal use dedicated website hosting only.

Benefits of Dedicated Hosting

  • In this type of hosting, the consumer is given extra control and flexibility over the server.
  • In comparison to all website hosting, it has the very best security.
  • It is the most stable.
  • In this case, full root/administrative access is provided to the client.

Disadvantages of Dedicated Hosting

  • All these are costlier than hosting.
  • To control it, you should have technical knowledge.
  • Here, you cannot solve your problems yourself, so you have to hire technicians.

4. Cloud Web Hosting

Cloud web hosting is a type of hosting that uses the resources of other clustered servers. Basically, this means that your website uses the virtual resources of other servers in order to complete all aspects of your web hosting.

Here the load is balanced, security is taken care of, and all the hardware resources are available virtually so that they can be used anytime and anywhere. Here, the cluster of servers is called a cloud.

Benefits of Cloud Hosting

  • Here, the chances of a server going down are very low because everything is in the cloud.
  • Here, high traffic can also be handled easily.

Disadvantages of Cloud Hosting

  • Root access facilities are not provided here.
  • This hosting is a bit more costly than the rest.

Linux vs. Windows Web Hosting

You have two options when buying hosting. One is Linux, and the alternative is Windows. Have you ever puzzled out what the difference is between the two? You can use either of the hosting options, but Windows hosting is a bit expensive. Linux is an open-source operating system, so the website hosting agency does not have to pay to apply it. That's why it's cheap.

But the company has to pay for the licence for Windows, which is why it is expensive. Both servers are very good, but Linux is considered more secure than Windows. You will find most of the blogs and websites on Linux servers because it is cheaper and has more features than Windows.

Questions and Answers

Q: What is the meaning of server uptime?
Ans: Server uptime refers to the time when your internet server is fully functional and online. At the moment, your blog or internet site is running well.

Q: What type of web hosting should we get for our site?
Ans: It depends on how big your site is, how much traffic it gets, etc. If you are starting a new site, then you should take advantage of shared hosting, which is the most economical.

Thanks for reading. 

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