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What is plagiarism (complete information)


If you create content or use content on the Internet, you should know about plagiarism. In this article, you will learn what plagiarism is. How many types of plagiarism are there? And we will also learn about the free online plagiarism checker tool.

What is plagiarism

What is plagiarism

Plagiarism is a popular term in the blogging field. Plagiarism means linking someone else's work with your own. In simple language, using someone else's words, ideas, writings, photos, videos, and literature without the permission of its owner is called plagiarism.

In simple words, “copying someone else's work or material and publishing it under your own name. Taking content from any other blog or website and publishing it on your blog or website is called Plagiarism.”

Plagiarism is very wrong. Many steps have been taken at different levels to stop this.

SEO experts say that you should post unique content on your blog. Content should not be copied from any blog or website. After all, have you ever wondered what the reason behind saying this would be?

Whichever search engine you use, Google, Bing, or Yahoo. It understands and respects your original work. Search engines never rank websites or blogs with duplicate content and may even penalize them.

You must have understood that you will not get any benefit from publishing duplicate content on your website or blog. On the contrary, it could cause harm.

How many types of plagiarism are there

There are different forms of plagiarism, and all of them are serious violations of academic integrity. We've explained the most common types below.

Patchwriting: This is rewriting the data from another site; in this, you create new data by changing your words here and there. This is a very easy and common method, which most of the writers are adopting today. If your writers are good at rewriting, then it will be plagiarism-free; you will not even be able to understand that it has been written from some other site, but it is still unethical. Patchwriting causes a lot of SEO problems. Many times, writers rewrite the data, but without applying their minds, it does not make any sense. There is consistency in the format. Google understands this too in a short time and declares that site spam.

Cut and paste: Some people pick a small part of a big site and copy and paste it; this is also part of plagiarism. However, it is natural for some data to be duplicated because there are some topics on which all writers write in the same way. The Google search engine does not do anything in such an article, but if more sentences or paragraphs are completely copied, then Google takes action.

Accidental Plagiarism: Professional writers have their own unique way of writing, which makes them different from others. Many times, they use the same words and patterns. If the writer is working in a niche, then it is natural that he will copy his own data, and he will not even know. Professional writers are also humans; it is impossible for them to remember the last 50–100 articles. This kind of copying of data is called accidental plagiarism. and it is also called unintentional plagiarism.

How to Create Unique Content

You will just have to work a little hard to get a plagiarism-free article, but you will get positive results. You will have to spend time on your site so that quality content can be created. You can also hire a writer for your site from outside; there are many freelance writers who work online and have good knowledge of unique content writing. By investing money and time, you can create your own good site. You simply must keep these things in mind.

  • Give complete information about this topic to your writer and editor. Explain the complete instructions to them.
  • Check the data and also look at all its sources carefully.
  • Make sure whatever is written is unique, new data.
  • To save money, do not hire cheap writers, because they will also give you the same kind of work without quality.
  • Hire a professional writer who understands all the terms and conditions of SEO and will write good and accurate data for you.
  • You should hire only an expert writer for the niche in which you are working. With this, he will provide correct and good information about that subject.

How do I avoid plagiarism

The best way to avoid plagiarism is to write 100% unique articles, because if your content is unique, it will not match the content of others. Apart from this, you can use the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to prevent content theft from your own website. Along with this, if you know coding, you can also protect your content from theft with the help of coding.

Whenever you write content, definitely check it with the plagiarism checker tool. With this, you will know whether there is any plagiarism in your content or not. If it happens, you can improve it and make it unique. Now here I have talked about plagiarism checker tools, so let us also know what plagiarism checker tools are.

What is the Plagiarism Checker 

There are many tools that tell you whether your content is original or copied. We call such tools Plagiarism Checker Tools. If you search on the internet, you will find many such tools online. Who can check your content together and tell whether your content is original or copied from any website or blog available on the internet?

What features should a good online plagiarism checker tool have?

  • This allows you to enter your content in different ways. For example, you can check by pasting the content in a text box or by uploading a document file.
  • You can check for plagiarism by adding a link to your blog or any page.
  • Here, you can get results in a few seconds.
  • The plagiarism checker tool tells you where the content has been copied. It also tells you the URL of those websites.

Why use plagiarism checker tool

Plagiarism Checker tools help in making your content 100% unique; therefore, every blog owner and content creator must use Plagiarism Checker tools. If your written content matches even slightly with the content of any other website, then you can easily detect it with the help of plagiarism checker tools.

With the help of plagiarism checker tools, you can easily find out whether any other content creator is stealing your content. Nowadays, many people also hire content writers, so even if that content writer has copied someone's content from somewhere, you can still detect it with the help of plagiarism checker tools.

How many types of plagiarism checker tools are there

There are two types of plagiarism checker tools available on the Internet:

1. Free plagiarism checker tools
2. Premium Plagiarism Checker Tools

You can make your articles plagiarism-free by using any of the two plagiarism checker tools. But in free plagiarism checker tools, you can check plagiarism of only 1000 words at a time, whereas in premium plagiarism checker tools, there is no such limit. You can check the plagiarism of as many words as you want at one time.

Now it is up to you which plagiarism checker tool you use. Now I am going to tell you about some free and paid plagiarism checker tools.

1. Free plagiarism checker tools:

Small SEO tools

Small SEO Tools is a free plagiarism checker tool, which you will easily find on Google. For this, you will have to search for Small SEO Plagiarism Checker Tools on Google.

As soon as you turn on Small SEO Tools, you will see a text box. You can enter your content in that text box and check whether your content matches the content of any other website or not. You could check only 1000 words of content at a time.

With this tool, you can check the plagiarism of both Hindi and English content. Small SEO Plagiarism Checker Tool is the best option to use Plagiarism Checker Tool for free.


This is a free plagiarism checker tool in which you can check plagiarism up to 1000 words at a time. This tool tells you, in percentage terms, how original your article is and how much plagiarism there is. With this tool, you can check the plagiarism of both Hindi and English content. If you want to use the Plagiarism Checker Tool for free, then this Duplichecher Plagiarism Checker Tool is the best option.

2. Premium Plagiarism Checker Tool:


Copyscape is both a free and premium plagiarism checker tool. You can also check, by entering the URL in it, whether your content is copied or not.

You will get this facility for free, but if you want to check a piece of content or document, then you will get this facility in the paid version.


Grammarly is a grammar-checking tool with which you can also check for plagiarism. It is a very powerful plagiarism-checking tool. But in this, you can check only English content. This is a Premium Plan plagiarism checker tool.

In this way, whenever you write any content, by turning off the plagiarism checking option along with writing, you can also find out whether your content is a copy or not.


Quetext is a very good premium plagiarism checker tool. Among all the other plagiarism checker tools available on the market, Quetext is the best because it gives the most accurate results. With this tool, you can very easily check the plagiarism of both English and Hindi content.

In Quetext, you could paste your content directly, and it will tell you whether your content is plagiarized or not. You also get a free option in Quetext, but it is very limited. If you want to use Quetext properly, then you will have to take advantage of its paid plan.

Advantages and disadvantages of plagiarism

As you have read above, copying any other content is very wrong, so it cannot have any benefits. But it has many disadvantages; let us know about them in detail.

Plagiarism has many disadvantages. This is very wrong from an SEO point of view, and Google ignores such content, i.e., does not index it. You should keep this in mind: plagiarism is going to cause you only loss. Because of this, your website may also be penalized. Google never allows copied content to rank.

Stealing someone's content comes under copyright, and under the Copyright laws, the person doing so may have to face huge consequences. For this, you may have to pay a fine, and if you do not pay the fine, then you may also have to go to jail. Apart from this, if your blog is on and you have published plagiarism content, then Google can shut down your website.

Remember, if you are the owner of a website, then whenever you are going to publish any content, do not forget to check its plagiarism. Today, there are many tools available in the online market to check for plagiarism, some of which are free and some of which you can buy by paying money. With the help of these tools, you can check for plagiarism.

If you write plagiarism-free content, then you will reach the pinnacle of success very soon. Your blog will also have a name, and you will be able to earn a good income.

What to do with those who copy

Most of the people who copy and paste are those who do not have much knowledge about it. They do not know that doing such work online is wrong. If someone has copied your data, then do not be too aggressive. You go to their site and get their contact information, email ID, or phone number. You inform him about this in the mail and ask him to delete that article. If you do not get a response, then you can again adopt these methods.

Contact Google: If the other person is earning money from your article, then you can give information about this topic to Google.

Contact Webhost: You can also contact the web hosting company of the site and tell them that illegal work has been done by this site. The web hosting company will investigate it, and if what you say is true, then action will be taken against that entire site.

Contact the advertising company: There are many advertisements available on the internet, and most of them take strict action against illegal work. Big advertising companies like Adsense and Mediaburst take strict action against plagiarism. If you give them all the information through the mail and wait for some time, action will definitely be taken.

Copying someone's data does not mean blogging; eating the fruits of someone else's hard work does not make you a good blogger. If you ever need to copy some data from your blog, first get permission from the writer or site owner, and if they say yes to you, then copy that data from your site. Along with this, you should give proper credit to the original author. This will increase the value of your blog/website. While creating a backlink, keep in mind that you should not create a link by copying anyone else's or your own data. This is also unethical.


I hope that after reading this post, you have understood well what plagiarism is and what a plagiarism checker is. If you are fond of writing and do the work of writing on blogs and websites, then do not forget to do a plagiarism check.

For any questions and suggestions related to today's article, What is Plagiarism?, please comment to me, and if you liked the post, then do share it with your friends on social media platforms.

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