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what is blue host (complete information)


Bluehost is a very famous web hosting company in the internet world. Which provides the best hosting at a very low price compared to other web hosting companies. Today here, I am going to give information about what Bluehost is, which is going to prove helpful for you. also recommends Bluehost Web Hosting. From this, you can understand why Bluehost is good. Many new bloggers do not know much about hosting. And because of this, they make the wrong decision and purchase any web hosting, and due to a lack of information, they also purchase the domain separately.

That's why I wrote this post. What is Bluehost? Is written. So that you can get complete information about Bluehost and purchase cheap and good web hosting according to your budget,.

In this article, what is Bluehost? Its benefits and disadvantages, its excellent features, as well as the plans and prices of Bluehost, are explained. Apart from this, the step-by-step process of purchasing Bluehost Web Hosting has also been explained.

If you read this article completely, understand its process properly, and follow all the steps, then you will easily be able to purchase Bluehost Web Hosting.

There are numerous such web hosting companies that provide the best hosting plans at low charges.

what is bluehost

Hosting plan bluehost

Here, I am going to tell you the prices of all the plans at Bluehost Web Hosting. So that you can get complete information about almost all the plans of Bluehost. Then you could take the plan that you like, consistent with your budget.

I have given a list below in which the first and last prices of all the plans are given so that you can find out. Which plan is available at what price, and whether it is within your budget or not? The price list is as follows:

Bluehost Web Hosting          Plan Price
Shared Hosting                  199–859 Rs./month
VPS Hosting                1159–3659 Rs./Monthly
Dedicated Hosting      6499–10499 Rs./Month
WordPress Hosting         199–299 Rs./Month
WP Pro                         1259–3059 Rs./Monthly

What is Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the most famous companies offering web hosting. It provides better hosting at a lower cost. Bluehost started in 2003. There are over two million websites hosted on Bluehost.

The biggest thing about this web hosting is that it is recommended by Speaking of Bluehost, you get Standard overall performance in it. And the speed of the website is also very good.

You already know that search engines like Google and Yahoo rank only web sites whose website speed is good. Along with this, you also get 24/7 customer support here.

You keep seeing discounts on Bluehost. Due to which the cost of its plan reduces even further. Apart from this, you get to see an easy control panel in it. What is Bluehost when you do this? You have understood this much. So now let me tell you about its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bluehost Web Hosting

If you are benefiting from something, that does not mean that you will not be harmed by that thing. In this article, I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of Bluehost. Let us talk about its benefits and then know what its disadvantages are.

Benefits of Bluehost Web Hosting

If you buy Bluehost Web Hosting, you will get many advantages from it. Which are as follows:

  • When you buy web hosting from Bluehost, you also get a free domain for one year. This is a very good thing. Because if you purchase a separate domain, you will have to pay for it separately.
  • SSL certificates are very useful for website security. Which is also a reason to improve the ranking of the site on search engines. You get this SSL certificate for free if you take any plan with Bluehost.
  • Many times, it happens that beginner bloggers don't have enough knowledge about hosting. But the user interface for Bluehost is very easy. Which could be easily learned by new bloggers.
  • If you take any plans with Bluehost and if you face any problems after a few days or if you do not like any of its features or services, So you could also withdraw your money within 30 days. Bluehost refunds your money.
  • The price of Bluehost's plans is very low, and you also get to see discounts on them. Due to this, its price has decreased, and beginner bloggers can also adjust their plans according to their budget.
  • Bluehost guarantees 99.9% uptime for your website. Which is great, the higher the uptime. The better it is for your website/blog.

Disadvantages of Bluehost Web Hosting

Now that you know the benefits of Bluehost, you should also know its disadvantages. Which are as follows:

  • When you take any plan with Bluehost, you are given a free domain at that time. But when you get it renewed after one year, you have to pay more.
  • Many web hosting companies provide a free migration facility for one website. But in Bluehost, this facility is given to you only for taking big plans, and this facility is not given for Basic and Plus plans.
  • Bluehost's renewal prices are also very high. Therefore, while you are taking any of its plans, take it for an extended duration so that you get an amazing cut price. When the time comes for plan renewal, By then, your website will start earning money, and then you will be able to renew it easily.

The 6 Best Features of Bluehost Web Hosting

When it comes to features, you need to pay maximum attention here because that is what makes a good host. Which provides more features and great service at a low cost.

Bluehost Web Hosting has many features. But I have included six of the best features in this article. Which are as follows:

1. SSD Storage

When choosing web hosting, SSD storage should be considered, depending on which plan provides the most SSD storage. When you take hosting from Bluehost, you get 50 GB of SSD storage with its Basic Plan. But if you take the Plus Plan, Choice Plus Plan, or Pro Plan, then you are provided with unlimited SSD storage. This is great for you.

2. Unlimited Bandwidth

Many times, it happens that your website's server starts going down. This also happens in situations where there is a sudden increase in traffic on your website or a large amount of data transfer. But if the bandwidth is high, then this problem does not occur.

If you take the Bluehost Web Hosting plan, then you get unlimited bandwidth in all its plans. Which is great because most web hosting companies offer limited bandwidth with their basic plans. But Bluehost gives you unlimited bandwidth, even on their basic plan.

3. A free SSL certificate

If you purchase hosting from Bluehost, you get a free SSL certificate with all its plans. This SSL certificate is an encryption protocol. By using this, your website becomes secure.

Many times, it happens that many websites doing online business on the Internet become victims of hackers. Therefore, to avoid such problems, it is necessary to use an SSL certificate.

Search engines also rank only those websites that use SSL certificates. Visitors' data remains safe on such websites, and they also trust websites with SSL certificates more.

4. Free Domain

As you must know, a domain is an address for the website. Which could be reached on the site by searching on a search engine. You don't need to get a separate domain name for your site.

Because when you purchase hosting from Bluehost, the domain is provided to you for free with its plan. If you take its Basic Plan, then you get 1 domain for free.

But if you take the Plus Plan, Choice Plus Plan, or Pro Plan, then you are provided with Unlimited Domain.

5. Automatic Daily Malware Scan

In today's time, there is a lot of risk in doing online business by having your own website on the Internet. Because the number of hackers has increased a lot and many cases of malware attacks on websites keep coming to light,.

In such a situation, there is a splendid need for security. If you purchase hosting from Bluehost, you also get the feature of automatic malware scanning with all its plans.

Which is great for your website; it automatically scans your site and detects malware. This prevents your website from crashing, and the data on your website also becomes safe.

6. Money-Back Guarantee

Bluehost Web Hosting also gives you a money-back guarantee. If you take any of its plans but later you do not like the service of Bluehost or you do not like any of its features, you can withdraw your money within 30 days.

Bluehost refunds your money. When it has such good features and the company also claims to give money back, you should try it once by purchasing hosting from Bluehost. If you don't like its service, then take your money back.

Which web hosting does Bluehost provide?

In this article, I will also give you information about the hosting plans provided by Bluehost and How many types of web hosting does Bluehost offer you? So here, let me tell you that Bluehost offers two types of web hosting. 

On its website, you will see the options for hosting and WordPress. Let me give you information about these two one by one so that you will be able to understand all their types very well. Let us first know about its hosting options.


When you click on its hosting option, you get to see three types of hosting: shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Let's know about them one by one.

1. Shared Hosting

If we talk about shared hosting, then it is very good for beginner bloggers. Because the price of a shared hosting plan is low, discounts are also available. Therefore, beginner bloggers can take its plan according to their budget.

2. VPS Hosting

After shared hosting, when it comes to VPS hosting, there are 3 plans available. Which are standard, enhanced, and ultimate. VPS is a kind of online service in which you get complete control. The full form of VPS is virtual private server.

This hosting plan is not for small websites. If your website is performing well and getting good traffic, then you can buy VPS hosting.

3. Dedicated Hosting

After VPS hosting comes dedicated hosting, in which you are given a complete server. On this server, only your site is hosted. Because of this, you get more privacy and you can control this entire server.

Then you could take advantage of this kind of dedicated hosting. When there is a lot of traffic on your website or VPS hosting is not possible, you can take advantage of dedicated hosting. You will get to see many features in this.

Now that you know its three types of hosting, let me tell you about its second option, WordPress.


On Bluehost, you will find an option for WordPress on the left side of the hosting option. When you click on it, you will get 2 options: the first is WordPress Hosting, and the second is WP Pro. Let me give you complete information about these two, one by one.

1. WordPress hosting

If you host your website only on WordPress, then you can purchase WordPress hosting here. This plan is made only for WordPress, and you are also given a good discount on it.

This plan is only for WordPress, due to which the speed of your website also improves. Here you get to see its 3 plans: Basic, Plus, and Choice Plus. You can select any plan as per your choice.

2. WP Pro

WP Pro is another alternative to WordPress. Which is similar to WordPress hosting. But here you get some different features, and it performs better than WordPress hosting. In this way, you can optimize the WordPress site as per your choice.

Additional Features of Bluehost Web Hosting

I mentioned some features of Bluehost Web Hosting above in my article. Apart from these features, Bluehost also offers you some additional features. Now let us know about some of its additional features in detail.

1. Domain

In Bluehost, you will find the domain option on the right side above the hosting option. When you click on it, a page will open in front of you. Here you will see a search bar to find a domain name for your site.

You can search for whatever domain name you want. If that domain is available, then you can buy it. Along with this, related domain names also appear below. These extensions are different, and prices are also given next to them.

Whatever domain you want, you can buy it by clicking on Add to Cart. There are some additional benefits to using a domain name here. For example, domain management becomes easier, and the control panel is also easier to use.

The option of auto-renewal is available, which prevents the domain from expiring. The features of locking and forwarding the domain are available. And here, 24/7 customer support is also available.

2. Online Store

If you want to create an eCommerce website, then you can take advantage of the Online Store Plan. Which is available at Bluehost Web Hosting. It's exactly like Wix. There are two plans available in this online store: the first is Standard, and the second is Premium.

You could customize it completely according to your needs. and you could easily receive payment from your customers. In this way, you also get security. You also get many features from it.

Like a free domain, a free SSL certificate, an automatic daily malware scan, website traffic analytics, etc. Along with this, features like customer product reviews, custom discount codes, free website backup, etc. are also available.

3. Email

If you did not get a free email while taking hosting, you can go to Bluehost's Email option and get a custom email and host it on the server. This email is simple but powerful.

There are 2 plans available for email: the first is Business Plus, and the second is Business Pro. Here, I am telling you some of its features. For example, in both of these plans, you are provided with 1 TB of OneDrive, Microsoft Office Online, and 50 GB of email storage.

Along with this, you also get 24/7 customer support and 99.9% uptime guarantee. In this way, the software and applications given to you keep getting updated automatically.

Step-by-step process to purchase shared hosting from Bluehost

If you like my article, What is Bluehost? If you are reading carefully, then you will know. What is Bluehost? Its advantages and disadvantages, the price of its plans, etc. If you are a beginner blogger and are thinking of getting hosting from Bluehost,.

Therefore, I would advise you to take shared hosting because it is cheaper than other VPS hosting and dedicated hosting. which is quite good according to your budget.

In this article, I have explained the step-by-step process to purchase shared hosting. If you follow all its steps, then you will be able to easily purchase shared hosting. The process is as follows:

Step #1: First of all, go to the search bar of the search engine, type, and search. Then the search result will appear in front of you, and from here you will come to the official website of Bluehost.

Step #2: Then you will see the option of hosting at the top. Click on it, and then the three options will appear in front of you. Here, you select shared hosting.

Step #3: When you select Shared Hosting and scroll down the page, you will see 4 plans of Shared Hosting. Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, and Pro are the Choice Plans recommended here by WordPress. You could choose any plan according to your budget.

Step #4: As soon as you click on the Select Button to select any plan, a page will open in front of you, where you will see two options for the domain.

One will be Create a New Domain; in this, you can search for and add a new domain. And the second option available is Use a Domain You Own, meaning if you already have a domain, you can use it.

When you select and add one of the two domain options, a page appears in front of you. Where you have to create an account. Here, you also get the option of signing in with Google. If you want, you can connect to your Google account or fill out the form given below.

Step #5: While filling out the form, check all the options carefully, and then select the payment option. With whomever you want to make payment. After filling out the payment information, accept it by ticking the option of Terms & Conditions below.

Step #6: When all this processing is done, at the bottom, you will see the green submit option. Click on it. In this way, you can easily purchase Bluehost's shared hosting without any problem.


After reading this 'What is Bluehost' article, you must have understood that Bluehost provides you with the best hosting plan at a low price. If you take the basic plan of its shared hosting, then you can park five domains in it.

But if you take any other plan other than Basic, then you can park Unlimited Domains. Along with this, you also get features like access control, CDN, multi-server management, domain privacy, etc. Bluehost's server is also very good. If you take hosting from it, then your website performs well on search engines and loads fast.

In this article, I have also explained the step-by-step process to purchase Bluehost's shared hosting. If you follow all its steps, then you can easily purchase hosting.

I hope you liked this article. If you found this article helpful, then share it with needy people. Apart from this, if you have any suggestions related to this article, you can comment below.

FAQ: what is bluehost

Q: Why should we buy hosting from Bluehost only?
I am not telling you to get hosting only from Bluehost. But if you are a new blogger, your budget will not be that much. So that you can buy hosting from a good web hosting company.

But if you purchase hosting from Bluehost, you will get its plans at very low prices, and you will also get good discounts. Which is quite good according to your budget.

Along with the low price, you get a free domain, a free SSL certificate, and many other features. Along with this, you also get good 24/7 customer support. So now you must have understood whether buying hosting from Bluehost is right or not.

Q: Which hosting of Bluehost should be taken for a WordPress website, WordPress hosting or shared hosting?
If you are thinking of getting website hosting only for WordPress, then you definitely must take WordPress web hosting from Bluehost. Because this hosting is only designed for WordPress,.

This increases the speed of your WordPress site. And apart from this, you also get some extra features that are not available in shared hosting.

Q: Where can I buy hosting for a small business?
If you have a small business and are thinking of purchasing hosting for it, you can purchase Bluehost's shared hosting because its price is very low. This is very good, according to your budget.

Along with this, you also get money-back guarantee. If you take any plan with Bluehost and if you face any problems later on or do not like any service, you can also withdraw your money within 30 days.

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