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How to approve AdSense for website

Do you also want to learn how to approve Google AdSense? So you have come to the right article, because through this article you are going to learn How to approve AdSense for a website, and I guarantee you that After studying this article, you'll no longer need to search anywhere else. So let's know How to approve AdSense for a website. 

Google AdSense

Just as the Internet is reaching people rapidly, the number of bloggers is also increasing rapidly, but the problem that new bloggers have to face in the initial phase is getting the approval of Google AdSense because in the initial phase we have to start blogging. There is no correct information, due to which new bloggers have to face the rejection of Google AdSense.

So let's know how to approve Google AdSense.

How to approve AdSense for website

We get the approval of Google AdSense when our blog seems to be a quality site to the Google AdSense team that provides better value to the user. Only then does the Google AdSense team approve any new site, or when any site Google According to AdSense, Google follows all the policies of AdSense and then gives quality content to the user.

What mistake should not be made to get Google AdSense approved?

  • Don't copy and paste.
  • Do not buy different types of third-party domains.
  • Don't be sad.
  • Don't stop writing posts.
  • Do not use copyrighted images.
  • Do not write posts in languages that are not supported by Google.
  • Do not apply for Google AdSense until your blog post gets impressions from Google searches.
  • Don't use too many images.
  • Do not use any other Add network.
  • Don't apply for Google AdSense if the domain name isn't 1 month old.
  • Do not post illegal content.

How to approve AdSense for website

Let us tell you that the approval of Google AdSense is not as difficult as it seems to new bloggers. If any new blogger carefully follows all the methods given below, then he will get 100% Google AdSense Approval.

1. Don't worry about traffic

When we start blogging, we are most concerned about traffic because new bloggers think that when traffic comes to the website, only Google AdSense approval will be available, but it is not like that; daily 0 visitors also come to your site. Even then, you will get Google AdSense approval because many bloggers got Google AdSense approval even after having zero visitors.

That's why you shouldn't worry about traffic at all if you want to get Google AdSense approval.

2. Write posts in the right way

Write such posts in which all the Headings have been used in an accurate manner.
Write a post that people need and that they are searching for on Google. A featured image is used in the post. Do not make the paragraphs too long in the post. The correct information is given in the post.

3. Customise the blog properly

To customise the blog well does not mean that you use an expensive theme, but to customise it well means that the correct function icon is in the blog, the logo of the blog is used, and the menu and categories are set well. Need, and the overall interface of the blog should be very professional and better.

To customise the blog well, you can use the free theme from GeneratePress. Any new blogger can customise this theme very easily, and the user interface of this theme is very correct.

4. Keep checking for plagiarism

Every time you are writing a post on a blog, before publishing that post on the blog, test the plagiarism of that article as soon as possible with the help of any online free tool, because it shows that in the article written by you, Which are the paragraphs that someone has already written on their blog post?

If there is plagiarism in certain paragraphs of the article written by you, then rewrite that paragraph in a different and better way so that plagiarism is not found. This is an important factor that we must keep checking.

5. You should reduce the scale of the picture

Often, when we upload any image on the blog with high quality, it has a great impact on the loading speed of our blog, and due to this, the site becomes completely slow. This is because the size of that image is larger. You should reduce the scale of the picture.
Often, when we upload any image on the blog with high quality, it has a great impact on the loading speed of our blog, and due to this, the site becomes completely slow. This is because the size of that image is larger. Which takes a long term to load.

Because of this, our blog will not be able to rank well, nor will the users like it. Because of this, Google AdSense is not approved, so whenever you are using a featured image or image on a blog post, The size of that image should be reduced with the help of an image compressor, and keep in mind that the size of the image should not exceed 70 kb.

6. Use Robot.txt correctly

If we want to get the approval of Google AdSense on our site, then the most important thing is that the blog post be indexed in Google, because if even a single post is not indexed in Google, then no matter how much we try, why should we get Google AdSense? Will not get approval.

The most important thing that is done to index a blog post in Google is to set up the Robot.txt file correctly because only through the Robot.txt file does Google's crawler robot know which pages of the site to index and which not.

If you have not used Robot.txt properly, then due to this, Google AdSense approval will not be available, so use Robot.txt properly.

7. Must make three pages

By three pages, I mean about us, contact us, and our privacy policy. If you have not created these three pages in your blog, then no matter how hard you try, you will not get the approval of Google AdSense because, because of these three pages, your site will become a good-quality site, which will make it easy to get approval.

You know, Creating these three pages is necessary because, in the eyes of the user and Google, your site becomes a good and better site that follows Google's rules, and it informs the Google AdSense team and site visitors approximately of your website's policies.

8. Provide Correct information

If you post anything on your blog in reverse, so that the user does not get the right information, and write a post on such a topic, and the answer to the question related to the topic is not in your blog post, then in such a case also Google AdSense Will not be able to get approval.

Because your blog is not giving any value to the users, in such a situation, only you can tell why Google AdSense will approve your blog, so provide the correct information.

9. Create a Google AdSense Account the Right way

Many times we do not create Google AdSense accounts properly and are not able to connect the blog properly with Google AdSense. Due to this, many times I already have an AdSense account, and different types of errors come up, due to which we have to use Google AdSense. Can't get approval. That's why you should carefully create a Google AdSense account and add the blog to Google AdSense.

10. Write a predictable number of posts

To get the approval of Google AdSense, Google AdSense has not made any such rule regarding the post that you will get approval only if you write so many posts, but according to me, all of you must write at least 15 posts to get the approval of Google AdSense. No matter the number of words.

And if you do not get approval in 15 posts, then improve the post and keep writing posts, then apply for Google AdSense after 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 50 posts are done.

Questions & Answers

Q: Is it necessary for the domain name to be 6 months old to get Google AdSense approved?
Ans: No, to approve Google AdSense, even if the domain name is 1 month old, Google AdSense will be approved.

Q: How many days does Google AdSense Approval take?
Ans: Google AdSense has not made any such rule about fixed days.

Q: Is it necessary to write a post of 1000 words to get Google AdSense Approval on the blog?
Ans: No, of course, there is no word limit for getting Google AdSense approval. But if the article is long, then it is even better.

Thanks for reading.

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