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how much does youtube pay for ads

How much does YouTube pay for ads? This question often bothers people because no one gives an accurate answer about how much YouTube pays for views and subscribers.

If you want to become a YouTuber or have started your own YouTube channel, then you must know how many views YouTube pays and when YouTube pays.

how much does youtube pay for ads

Without wasting time, let us answer your question: how much money do you get for 1000 views? It is difficult to answer this in one line, so you must read the article till the end.

how much does youtube pay for ads

Friends, when I started watching videos on YouTube, I used to think that whenever we watched someone's video, the owner of that channel got paid for it. It means the more views, the more money, but maybe I was wrong in this matter.

I am saying this because YouTube does not give money just for getting views. There are many factors behind this that reduce or increase YouTube income, and because of this, YouTube pays us for views after we make a video.

If you have been researching how to earn money from YouTube for a long time, then you must know about Google Adsense, because of which we earn money from YouTube. Let's understand it properly.

Friends, YouTube never pays for the views received only on videos. You earn from YouTube when your channel gets monetized. After that, ads play on your video. Now, whenever someone sees and clicks on this ad, you will get money.

Now it is to be seen that on 1000 video views, how many advertisement clicks do you get, and how much money can you earn from them? But before that, understand what is meant by monetize, after which we will know about earning money from YouTube

What is monetization?

Monetizing is a process in which a person converts any non-earning item into a money-earning item. Or we can also say that monetize means creating new sources of income through something.

What is Monetization?

Making any of your assets capable of earning money is called monetization, and the whole process of monetization is called monetization.

example of monetizing

Let's understand monetization through an example: when a blogger creates a new blog, he does not earn money from it at all. To earn money from the blog, he first has to grow it, and then later he Googles it. Monetizes from AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, other ad networks, etc. and then earns money. If the blogger does not monetize his blog, he cannot earn money from it. Similarly, there are YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms where, to earn money, you first have to monetize your channel or page. Overall, converting your property into profit is called monetizing.

All the YouTubers are earning money on YouTube. They have already monetized their channel by linking it to Google Adsense. That's why YouTube sends money to their Adsense account.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is the best way to earn money by showing ads in your online content. When you connect your channel with Google Adsense, advertisements are shown by Google on your channel, and the clicks and views coming in become your source of income.

Actually, different companies that have to promote their products or services ask Google to do so, for which Google takes money from them. Such companies are called advertisers. Google gives 60% of the money it takes from these companies to YouTube, and Google keeps 40% itself.

To earn money, you have to create a Google Adsense account. To create an Adsense account, you have to search for Google Adsense on Google. After this, you can create your account with the help of an email ID. After the account is created, you will have the option to add your channel.

How do I monetize my YouTube channel?

When you get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours on your channel, you can monetize it. After this, Google will check your channel.

If your channel follows the terms and conditions of YouTube and Google and there is no shortcoming, then your channel will get approval. After this, ads will start appearing on your videos.

When do you get money from YouTube?

When your channel gets monetized, you get money for whatever clicks on the ads that appear on your video, which appear in your Adsense account.

When your $10 is made, you will have to verify the account with an ID proof. After this, Adsense will send a Google pin to your home, which will verify your address by entering it in your Adsense account.

Now, when your $100 is completed, you will get your first income from YouTube. You have to link your Adsense account with your bank account. After making 100 dollars in your account, every month you get the earnings from your channel from YouTube.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000 views?

As I told you earlier, YouTube pays you not for views but for clicks on advertisements. Still, you must be wondering how much money is made on 1,000 views.

Every channel earns a different amount of 1,000 views. If we talk about average money, then you can earn from $1 to $4 per 1000 views in India on a new channel. This money can be less or more than this.

Because how much money you will get for 1000 views depends on three things. Which is the Niche, CPC, and country of your video for which you are creating content? Let's understand it properly.

What is CPC?

Friends, the full form of CPC is cost per click, which means the money received on an advertisement click. Sometimes you get only $0.01 per click; sometimes it can be $0.50.

That's why not all YouTubers earn the same way because everyone gets CPC differently. Now you must be getting confused about why this happens. Actually, it happens for two reasons. CPC is available according to the niche and country of the channel.

What is a niche?

Niche means subject or category; all channels work on different niches. Like health, finance, comedy, technology, cooking, etc., all this content is called niche.

The advertisements that come in the middle of the video are in different categories. Advertisements run on the channel as it is. Suppose someone makes a video related to earning money.

So advertisements on his videos will also be related to business and finance, and for this type of advertisement, YouTube takes more money from the advertiser, and hence the owner of this channel gets more money.

How do I get more views on YouTube?

If you want to get views on your YouTube channel in the right way, then make creative videos, share your videos with people, reply to people's comments, make videos on trending topics, and keep working hard. With this, Organic Viewers will come to you and stay connected with you for a long time.

By the way, there are some tricks that can bring views to YouTube videos quickly. Like doing clickbait. But with these methods, views come for a short time, and after some time, your channel becomes dead. If you want to stay on YouTube for a long time, then make creative videos and work hard.

When and how do you get money from YouTube?

When 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours of time are completed on your channel, then your channel becomes eligible for monetization. After this, you can apply for Google Adsense, and your channel will be checked by Google.

When your Google Adsense account is approved for monetization, ads start appearing during the videos on your channel, which earns you money.

YouTube pays for how many subscribers?

YouTube starts paying you when your channel gets monetized after you get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. After this, advertisements start appearing on the videos of your channel, and if someone clicks on them, you get money. This money keeps getting deposited in your account, and after 100 dollars, you can transfer it from your AdSense account to your bank account.

How many ways can I earn more on YouTube?

Most people think that they can earn more money on YouTube only with the Google AdSense programme. But it is not like that at all; there are many ways by which you can earn more money on YouTube than Google Adsense. Let us know which are the ways in which YouTube earns more.

  • brand promotion. 
  • Referral programme for any service or product. 
  • By promoting your service or course. 
  • from affiliate marketing. 
  • by selling your merchandise.
  • By making integrated or dedicated videos. 

Do you know? For big YouTubers who have millions of subscribers, the biggest part of their earnings is from brand promotion and collaboration, not Adsense. Because they charge only one review or opinion in millions of rupees.

How much does YouTube pay for 1 million views?

Earnings on YouTube depend on many things, of which watch time and CPC are the main ones. Keeping these in mind, if you have 1 million views in India, you get 2500 to 3000 dollars.

On the other hand, if you have reached 1 million subscribers, then you are given a golden play button by YouTube. But you don't get any money for this. You will get money only for the views on the video. To send this button, YouTube sends you an email with all the information you need to receive the button.

What happens when you get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

After getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube, your channel becomes eligible for monetization, and if you complete 4000 watch hours of time, you can apply for monetization. When your channel gets monetized, ads start showing during your videos, for which you get money.

How many views do you need to get paid on YouTube?

As we have come to know, our Adsense account should have a minimum balance of $100 to get paid on YouTube. According to India's CPC, if you want to get paid, then you will need 1 lakh views.

You will get this money according to CPC. If people sitting in the US are watching your videos, then you will only need 10 to 20 thousand views to get paid. You can easily get YouTube's CPC information from the internet.

Questions & Answers

Q: How much money do you get for 1000 views?
YouTube pays money for 1000 video views according to CPC (Cost per click), which is different for all countries. YouTube pays around $1 for 1000 views in India, as the CPC in India is very low as compared to other countries.

On the other hand, if we talk about countries like the UK and US, then for 1000 views, we get about 5 dollars. From this, we can say that YouTube pays money for 1K views, according to the country. If your audience is from countries like the US and UK, then you get up to $5, and if your audience is from India, then you will get up to $1.

Q: How much money do you get for 100 views on YouTube?
If we talk about getting 100 views on YouTube in India, then we get 0.1 to 0.5 dollars on YouTube. However, the money received for 100 views depends on the category of your YouTube channel.

Q: How much money do you get for 1,000 subscribers?
With 1000 subscribers on YouTube, if your channel has completed 4000 watch hours of time, then you are eligible to monetize your channel. Actually, you do not get any money on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers, but YouTube gives you money for views.

Q: How much money do you get for 1000 likes?
If a video gets 1,000 likes, it means that so many people have liked it. YouTube does not pay any money for 1,000 likes. Because YouTube doesn't pay for likes.

Q: How much does it cost to get 10,000 views on YouTube?
If you get 10,000 views on YouTube in India, you get around $10–12 for this. This money can vary according to CPC. If views come to your videos from a country like the US, then you can get 50–60 dollars for 10 thousand views.

Q: When does YouTube pay?
When there is $100 or more in your Google Adsense account linked with YouTube, the money will be transferred by Google to the bank account you have linked on the 21st. Google transfers this money automatically. That is, you do not need to follow any procedures. That's why you should keep the bank account already added to your Google Adsense account so that there is no problem later.

Q: How much does YouTube pay?
There is no limit to creating wealth on YouTube. The more perspectives (views) your videos get, the more you earn. You just have to keep uploading good videos with hard work. If you upload Creative Videos with hard work, then your Subscribers will also grow well, and your earnings will also be good.

Q: How much is YouTube's one-day earning?
According to the statistics for the year 2021, YouTube's 1-day earnings are around 25 billion US dollars, compared to around $20 billion in 2020. We do not confirm this figure 100% because we have not found any solid proof of it.

Q: How much money do you get from YouTube?
How much money you will make on YouTube depends on your views and the category of your channel. If you are running an entertainment channel, then you can get 10–20 dollars per 1 lakh views.

Q: How much can be earned on YouTube in one day?
There is no limit; if your channel grows, you can earn $20,000 in one day on YouTube. Let me tell you that there are thousands of YouTubers in India who are earning Rs 1 lakh and more per day.

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