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what is multimedia

Hello Friends! In this post, we will discuss what is multimedia. I will tell you about it and also tell you about its components. That's why you should definitely read this article completely. You will understand it easily. So let's get started.

what is multimedia

Multimedia is a type of medium with the help of which we can transfer data and information from one place to another.

Multimedia is made up of two words, the first "multi" and the second "media". In this, multi means "many" and media means "medium".

Multimedia is made up of many media, such as text, audio, video, images, graphics, and animation.

Example of this: A website is the best example of multimedia in which audio, video, text, images, etc. are all present.

With the help of multimedia, we can represent information in many ways.

It is used in many fields, such as education, business, etc.

Multimedia is a means of communication with each other that shares the information of one user with another in the form of text, graphics, audio, and video.

To get information with the help of multimedia, the user must have a computer or any digital device. Without a computer or digital device, no user will be able to communicate or receive information.

what is multimedia
Image source - Google | Image by - ©

types of multimedia

There are two types of multimedia, which are given below:

1: Linear Multimedia

Linear multimedia is also called non-interactive multimedia. In this case, the user cannot interact with any media.

For example – when we watch a movie on TV, we can only watch that movie but cannot interact with it.

The main purpose of linear multimedia is to present information in a sequence.

It is a kind of logical flow in which information is shown from beginning to end. Linear multimedia does not interact with the audience.

This multimedia is mostly used for meetings, training, seminars, etc.

2: Non-Linear Multimedia

Non-linear multimedia is also called interactive multimedia. In this way, the user can interact with the media.

Non-linear multimedia does not present the information in a sequence. It works according to the needs of the user.

For example – when we play a game on the computer, we interact with that game. There are buttons in a game with the help of which we play it.

components of multimedia

It mainly consists of five components, which are as follows:


components of multimedia


•  Text content is the most common way to present information.

•  In multimedia, text is used for titles, headlines, menus, etc.

•  Text is used to write any word or paragraph. There are many fonts and sizes of text.

•  Most notepad programmes and Microsoft Word are used to view the text file.

•  Text file formats are DOC, TXT, PDF, etc.

•  From ancient times until today, most of the information has been shared through text only.

•  Text is written information with the help of which people read and get that information. Photos and graphics are added to text to promote written information in multimedia. So that the user can read the text easily.


•  Graphics are used to share digital information through photos or images.

•  Graphics is a non-text format in which text is not used.

•  If a user does not have the habit of reading a large amount of text. In that case, the user can get the information with the help of graphics.

•  Apart from this, graphics are used to understand any topic in a better way. 

For example – nowadays, children are taught in school with the help of graphics so that they learn quickly.

•  Windows Picture and Internet Explorer are mostly used to view graphics.

•  Software is required to create graphics. And the best software is Adobe Photoshop. Most graphic designers create graphics with the help of this software.

•  The formats of graphics are BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.


•  Animation is a process in which images are made in such a way that it seems that they are moving.

•  Animation is the movement of images in a certain way. Which comes out in the form of a video. But we cannot call animation as video. Because all the parts move inside the video. But in animation, only the image moves.

•  Animation is very popular in multimedia. Through animation, the user easily receives the information and understands things.

•  Windows picture and fax viewers are mostly used to view the animation.


•  A video is made up of audio and images. The image is moved according to the audio in the video.

•  Video is considered the most popular form of multimedia. Because of the sound and picture in the video, the user can learn the information in a better way.

•  The best example of Video is TV. Many software programmes are used to play any video file, such as Windows Media Player, MX Player, etc.

•  The file format of the video is MOV, JPEG-4, MP4, AVI, etc.


•  Any type of sound, whether it is conversation or music, falls under audio.

•  There are two types of audio: analogue and digital. Digital audio is used in multimedia.

•  We have many formats of audio files available. Such as MP3, WMA, Wave, MIDI, RealAudio, etc.

applications of multimedia

It is used in many fields. Some are given below:

1: In the field of education

Multimedia is becoming increasingly popular in the field of education. Day by day, multimedia is making education easier.

Nowadays, in every college and school, studies are done by showing videos and graphics so that students can easily understand the topic.

With the help of multimedia, students can get an education while sitting at home. Apart from this, information can be shared among them.

2: In the field of communication

Nowadays, humans can talk to each other via video calls. All this has been possible only because of multimedia.

Multimedia has made communication more convenient. Because in today's time, any person can make voice and video calls with each other from any corner of the world.

It means to say that multimedia has made communication very easy.

3: In the field of health

It is also used in the medical field. Using this, doctors can make videos of surgeries.

Apart from this, multimedia is also used in simulation technology. Simulation technology is the technology through which the disease of the patient can be easily identified. And after that, the patient's treatment is done according to the disease. Due to which the life of the patient can be easily saved.

4: In the field of entertainment

It is mostly used for entertainment. Movies, videos, and animated cartoons are made with the help of multimedia only.

Apart from this, multimedia is also used for gaming. Multimedia is also used to design the picture of the game.

5: In the field of marketing

It is also used for marketing. Because text, graphics, audio, and video are required to create an advertisement, the advertisement must be well prepared. Multimedia plays a huge role in the promotion of a company.

6: In the field of Social Media

It is also used for social media. Because multimedia tools are required to make good posts on social media, Such as text, graphics, video, and audio,

7: In Interior Designing

It is also used to design the house map. There are many such programmes available today. With the help of which the map of the house can be made easily. Like SketchUp and AutoCAD, these are two such programmes with the help of which the house map can be designed.

8: In the field of science

In the field of science, scientists use it to do new research.

9: In the field of business

The use of multimedia has become essential in business. With the help of this, the employees of the company talk to each other. If there is any problem in the business, then they solve it in the video call itself.

advantages of multimedia

Its advantages are as follows:

1: It increases the capacity to learn.

2: It is very user-friendly because it is very easy to use.

3: It is much easier to share information through this.

4: There are many formats available to get the information inside it.

5: Produces high-quality multimedia presentations. So that the user can easily understand the concept.

6: It can be used to give information to many people at the same time.

7: It reduces the cost of training. With the help of multimedia, the user can take training through video conferencing while sitting at home.

disadvantages of multimedia

Its disadvantages are as follows:

1: It requires special hardware to operate.

2: There is a danger of information overload in this.

3: This can be expensive. Because more resources are used in it. Due to this, its cost may be slightly higher.

4: Its files take a long time to load. Because the size of the files with video and audio is very large.

Questions and Answers

Q: How many types of multimedia are there?
There are two types of multimedia: Linear and Non-Linear.

Q: How many components are there in multimedia?
It has five components. Text, graphics, Video, Animation, and audio. 

Thanks for reading. 

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