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What is Permalink | How do I make an SEO-friendly permalink


As you know, when we search about any topic on the Internet, the results related to it or the page of the article are linked to a path, i.e., the url or link of some website. That link, or URL structure, is called a permalink.

Permalink is a huge SEO factor for a blog post, but many bloggers often do not pay attention to it, which is very important for the SEO purposes of the blog. Only by using a custom permalink does the article rank on Google because the permalink gives details about your article to Google and on which topic the blog post is customised.

Along with complete information about what a custom permalink is and how to use it, some other topics have been explained in this article so that you do not have to face any problems in creating a custom permalink.

Before knowing how to add a custom permalink, you have to understand what is permalink. Only then can you select the correct permalink for the post. So in today's article, what is Permalink? What is Custom Permalink? And also, how do I add a custom permalink in Blogger? You'll get complete information about it.

what is permalink

What is Permalink

Permalink refers to the URL that is used as the address of a blog post, web page, etc. on a website. That is a permanent link to any webpage; therefore, it is known as a permalink.

They are usually divided into two parts, one of which includes a domain name, and the other part includes keywords related to that page, which are added after the domain name, which is called a slug.

In fact, the actual parts of the URL are appended after the domain name and may include a date, a category, the title of a webpage, or all of those. A permalink URL makes it easier to understand what is on that webpage.

While writing a post in Blogger or WordPress, the permalink is automatically added according to the title, but it is not search engine friendly. What's more, search engines don't like it at all. This is the reason the post is not able to rank on Google, and it becomes difficult to get traffic to the blog.

That's why You should use a custom permalink instead of automatically generating one. A custom permalink is more readable, preferred by search engines, and assists in ranking your post.

How many ways are there to set Permalink

You can set permalinks in a blog in two ways.

1st:- Automatic Permalink
2nd:- Custom Permalink

1st:- What is automatic permalink

You write a new post, and Automatic Permalink automatically selects the permalink from the title or the first line of the post, or the first word of the first line. Due to this, unrelated words automatically appear in it, which has a negative effect on your blog, which is not good in terms of SEO.

2nd:- What is Custom Permalink

In Custom Permalink, you can set the permalink as per your choice, as per the title of your article. Permalink can be created by entering the main word according to the article, like how many words will be in your permalink and which words will be there. You could customise it as per your choice.

Some parts remain fixed in the permalink, like the home URL of your website, domain name, and date; after that, you customise some parts according to your post title.

What is custom permalink structure

A blogger chooses a custom permalink structure for the URL. meaning that when the author of a blog creates the URL for a blog post himself, it is called a custom permalink.

Only a blogger decides how long the URL of a blog post should be. Blogger and WordPress generate the automatically generated URL themselves, but it is not right from the perspective of both Google and the visitor.

Bloggers who use custom permalinks know that custom permalinks may be small in the eyes of search engines, but they are very clear, which both Google and viewers can read. Search engines always like custom permalinks, i.e., short and clear URLs, the advantage of which is that your article can rank on Google. Without any delay, let us now know how to create a seo-friendly custom permalink.

How to create SEO-friendly permalink 

A custom permalink is an important resource for your blog post in the eyes of Google, so keep the following things in mind while creating the permalink:

  • Permalinks are always in English language only. If you are a blogger, then you should create your URL/permalink in English language only.
  • Stop words should never be used in Permalink, such as a, an, to, into, the, at, in, of, before, and who, etc.
  • Numbers should never be entered in Permalink, such as 1, 2, 3, 4...9, etc. But date and month remain in blogger.
  • Never use numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) and special characters (!,#,%,$) in permalinks.
  • Use a hyphen (-) between two words in permalinks.
  • And never use the underscore (_).
  • Keep the permalink short, and do not make it too long.
  • Once the permalink is inserted in any post, do not change it later.

I have shared these 7 points with you to create SEO-friendly custom permalinks; definitely use them to create custom permalinks.

If you put a permalink in Blogger, then unlike WordPress, Blogger's permalink contains a date and month as well as dot html at the end of the permalink.

Let me also tell you that in the WordPress permalink, there is only a title and nothing else. Therefore, the WordPress permalink is considered better than Blogger's permalink.

For this reason, people recommend using WordPress instead of Blogger, and this also helps the post rank faster.

How do I create custom permalinks in Blogger

How to write or create a custom permalink in a blogger post. It becomes most important to know because it is a part of the SEO of the post, so it is very important to know its correct information.

Below, you have been told step-by-step in detail how to add a custom permalink to a post, follow it, and implement it in your post. So let us know how to set a custom permalink in Blogger.

Step: #1

First of all, go to and login with your Google account. To login, use the same Gmail ID and password with which you have signed in to Blogger.

Step: #2

After logging in to Blogger, the Blogger dashboard will open in front of you. If you have more than one blog/website, select one.

Step: #3

Now the blog-specific dashboard will open in front of you, where the option of New Post will be visible above. Click on it. Now your post editor will open.

Step: #4

Now prepare your post by writing it in the Post Editor, and then, before publishing the post, click on the option of permalink in the post Settings section on the right side of the Post Editor.

Step: #5

Now the Permalink Box will open in front of you. Click on the Custom Permalink option there and write the URL of your choice.

Congratulations! You have successfully added custom permalinks to Blogger posts, and you have learned how to add custom permalinks in Blogger. Similarly, you can write custom URLs for other posts as well.


Permalink is a very important SEO factor for a blog post in the eyes of Google. So today I have given complete information about permalinks in the English language in detail, so now you must have understood what is permalink and how to add a custom permalink.

I hope that this article will prove useful for you, and if you have any problems or questions related to blogging, then definitely ask in the comment box. If you liked this article, then share it with your friends on social media platforms.

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