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What are Keywords? How to use


what are keywords

What is a keyword? Hello friends How are you all? I hope you all are doing well. Today we have brought up the very important topic of SEO for all of you. Today we will tell you what are keywords, how to do keyword research, and how to use keywords in your content.

what is keywords

If you are putting any content or anything on the internet in any form or in any way that you want to rank, or if you want your content to appear above the search results, then keywords play a very important role in that. Let's play.

Then, whether you are putting any content on your website, putting up a blog post, selling any of your products on an eCommerce website, uploading videos on YouTube, or making a freelance gig on any platform like Fiverr, you will need keywords everywhere.

And if you do keyword research and use keywords properly, then only you will have chances of success.

Without doing keyword research, you cannot get your content ranked, and no one will be able to see it until it is ranked. That is why it is very important to do proper keyword research and use those keywords well in your content.

And if you do not know what are keywords or how to use them, then there is no need to panic. Today, we will give you all the information related to the keywords in this article. So let's start.

what are keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that are used while searching on the internet. The words and phrases that are used the most are called keywords. And when you put these keywords and keyphrases in your content, the chances of improving its ranking increase.

Let us understand it with an example. Suppose you search on the internet for "What is SEO", We know that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a very wide topic and many people would be searching related to it. And at the same time, beginners would also use the same term: that What is SEO? That's why it's a keyword.

what is keyword search

You've got to know what are keywords. And you also know that it is very important to use keywords. But we will be able to use keywords only when we know which keywords to use.

If we do not know which keywords we have to use and which are the keywords that are searched the most, then we will not be able to use them.

Finding those keywords related to your content that are used the most while searching is called keyword research.

Whatever topic you are writing about or thinking of writing about, first of all, you have to check which terms related to it people are searching for the most. You have to find the keywords and phrases that people type in their search boxes to reach that type of content. And then you have to write your content, or blog post, in such a way that those words and phrases are also used in it.

how to do keyword research

By the way, there are thousands of keyword research tools on the internet, using which you can easily do keyword research. Some of these are also free tools, but you have to pay to use many of them.

But we will give you the example of Google Keyword Planner to explain keyword research. Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool from Google that anyone can use for free.

A step-by-step guide to doing Keyword research

Step 1: The first step in Keyword Research is to find the main keyword of your post. For that, first of all, you have to think of some words and phrases related to the topic on which you want to write content.

Step 2: Now you have to enter those words and phrases in the Google keyword planner and search.

Note: You can check by entering different words and phrases in the search box so that you can get the best keywords.

Step 3: When Google Keyword Planner shows you its searches, now you have to see which keywords are searched the most.

Step 4: At the same time, you also have to see how much competition there is for those keywords.

Step 5: Now you have to make a list of those keywords that are searched the most and whose competition is also low.

Step 6: Now that you have chosen the keyword that best describes your content from that list, you can use it as your main keyword. And all other keywords can be used like normal keywords.

You have found keywords related to your content. Let us now know where and how you have to use them.

how to use keywords

To get the most out of keywords, you should know how to use them in the right place. If you keep them randomly anywhere and in any way, then it will not help you improve your ranking.

Therefore, if you want to take maximum advantage of keywords and want your website and your content to rank for your targeted keywords, you have to use them in the right way at the right time.

If you do not know how and where to use keywords, then you do not need to worry at all. We will tell you how and where you can use keywords so that you can get the maximum benefit from them.

Let us know where you should use your keywords.


The title is the first and most important thing in a blog post or article. It tells your readers and search engines about your post. That is why you must use your main keyword in the title.


A description is a short summary of your content, in which you summarise, in short, what is included in this article. From the perspective of SEO, this is the second-most important factor after the title. That's why you must use your main keyword in the meta description as well.

first paragraph:

You should always keep the first paragraph of your article short, simple, and to the point. This is the introduction to your article. That's why one of your main keywords or additional keywords must be used here.


Headings divide your article into different parts. Headings are very important for SEO. You should always use your main keyword in H1, and additional keywords should be used in H2 and H3.

Article body:

After using your main keyword well, now you should use your additional keywords in the content of your article. But you should also keep in mind that you do not have to fill your article with keywords. Use your keywords only in the relevant places and in a limited number.


The last part of your content is its conclusion. That's why you must use your main keyword or your additional keyword at least once in the last paragraph of your article.

FAQ: what are keywords

Q: How many types of keywords are there?
There are generally two types of keywords:

1– Short-tail keywords are those that consist of one or three words.

2– Long-tail keywords are those that are more than three words.

Q: Are keywords important for SEO?
Yes. Keywords are a very important factor in SEO. Keywords are very important in on-page SEO and help improve your post's ranking.

Q: What is Keyword Density?
The number of times a keyword or phrase is present in an article is called keyword Density. For example, if a keyword is used 30 times in an article of 1000 words, then the density of that keyword is 3%.

Tip: 2% is considered the best keyword density.

Q: Where should Keyword Placement be done?
You should place your keywords in the title, Meta description, First paragraph, and Headings of your article.

Q: Can you target multiple keywords in a single post?
Yes. You can use different keywords in the same post or article and get it ranked for different keywords.

Thanks for reading. 

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