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What is keyword research, and how to do it?


Keyword Research: To make any blog successful, SEO (search engine optimisation) is needed. And to do SEO, it is very important to do keyword research but how to do keyword research?

If you are a new blogger then you must do keyword research to get your blog post a higher rank.

Because keyword research is an important part of SEO, it is because of keywords that your blog post gets more traffic.

If you want to bring more and more user traffic to your blog and earn more and more money then you should do keyword research. But many questions come to mind like: what is keyword research, how to do keyword research, which tool to use for keyword research, etc.

Well, now in this article, I will give you complete information about what is keyword research and all the information related to it, like types of keywords and how to do keyword research.

what is keyword research

what is keyword research

Keyword research is a process in which we find the words that people are searching for the most on the Internet. While doing keyword research, we look at the search volume, competition, CPC, etc. of that keyword.

We also use the Keyword Tool for keyword research. This tool gives us information about search volume, competition, CPC, etc. related to different keywords. After doing keyword research, we found some great keywords.

If we write our blog post on a good keyword then our blog post will soon be in high-ranking position. Meaning our article will be shown first compared to other articles.

If you want maximum traffic on your blog post then you should do keyword research in the best way. And for how to do keyword research, you must read this article completely.

what is a keyword

The words that can be used to find any information on the internet are known as keywords. The word keyword is made up of two words, key and word, in which the simple meaning of key is key🗝️ and word means word. Hence we can say that “keyword” is a special type of word.

A keyword for a blog is what people search for most on the internet. Example: I am a student and I want to buy a good laptop, so I will search on Google for “Best Laptop for Students."

So, “Best Laptop for Students” is a keyword. Now, most people who search for this keyword want to buy a laptop. Similarly, find a great keyword related to the topic on which your article is based.

After this, that keyword is beautifully inserted in the article. Meaning, keywords in the article are written on the basis of SEO. Keywords help make online searching easier.

Search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) give ranking to your article on the basis of keywords only. Therefore keywords are very important.

There are many types of keywords, which are as follows:

Types of keywords

For keyword research it is important to know how many types of keywords there are. Generally there are many types of keywords that are used for SEO. But we will learn about three types of keywords in this article.

1. Head Keyword

A keyword that contains only one word is called a head keyword. For example, “laptop” is a head keyword. There is a lot of competition on such keywords; Therefore new bloggers should not use such words as keywords.

2. Short-tail keyword

A keyword that consists of two or three words is called a short-tail keyword. For example, “best laptop price” is a short-tail keyword. If any blogger can work on such keywords then he can get good traffic.

However there is more competition on such keywords; hence you will have to research the right keyword and find a keyword with less competition.

If you are a new blogger, then you should not work on short-tail keywords because most of the keywords are highly competitive. In such a situation, your blog post will never be able to rank.

3. Long-tail keyword

A keyword that uses more than three words can be called a long-tail keyword. For example, “Best Laptop Price for Students" is a long-tail keyword that any new blogger can use.

A new blogger should start working on long-tail keywords only, so that traffic starts coming in from the very beginning. After this, if you have complete information related to SEO then you can use short-tail keywords.

There are many tools available on the internet for long-tail keyword research that you can use.

Important terms related to keyword research

For keyword research, one should know about search volume, keyword difficulty and CPC. Because keyword research is done on the basis of these three terms,

Search Volume

Total monthly searches for any keyword are called search volume. Meaning, how many times a keyword is searched in a month is called search volume. For example, if the keyword “best laptop price” has been searched 5000 times in a month then its search volume is 5000.

If you are doing keyword research then it is important for you to know the search volume related to the keyword. If the keyword has a high search volume then that keyword can bring more traffic to your blog post.

Keyword Difficulty (Competition)

Competition on a keyword is called keyword difficulty. At the time of keyword research it is important to know the Keyword Difficulty (KD) so that one can increase the rank by working on low-competition keywords in the beginning.

If the KD of a keyword is between 20 and 30 then the competition for that keyword is very low and you can easily rank on that keyword. But if KD is between 30 and 60 then by doing some hard work you can bring the article to a higher rank.

If KD is more than 60 then it means that the competition is very high and a new blogger cannot work at all on such keywords. If a new blogger writes an article on High KD then it will take a long time for his post to rank.

CPC (cost per click)

CPC, whose full form is “Cost Per Click," is very important to look at at the time of keyword research, but CPC is useful only when you have AdSense approval.

CPC is related to AdSense advertising on blogs. For example, the CPC of the keyword “Best Laptop Price” is Rs 27.69. This means that if you use this keyword in your article, then the cost of clicking on the advertisement shown in this article will be Rs 27.69.

If you use keywords with a high CPC, you will earn more from advertising.

SEO Difficulty

SEO difficulty is another factor that you have to look at while doing keyword research. Now you will ask, What is SEO difficulty?

SEO Difficulty helps you know how difficult it is to rank the keyword you have selected in SERP.

There are many keyword research tools that help you find SEO difficulties. They measure SEO difficulty between 1 and 100 points. 1–10 will be easy, 11–30 will be medium, 31–70 will be tough, and 71–100 will be super tough.

Why is it important to do keyword research?

To earn money from any blog, it is also necessary to have more traffic on the blog. And to bring traffic to the blog, you have to do SEO. Keyword research is an important part of SEO, so it is necessary to do keyword research to rank the blog.

To get any information on all search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, keywords are searched in the search bar. When a user searches a keyword in a search engine, the search engine has many websites related to that keyword.

In such a situation, the search engine shows the best article related to that keyword at the top, and other articles are below it. Meaning the article can be ranked only by keywords.

If you write an article without keywords, your article will never get much traffic. And without user traffic, you cannot earn a good income.

How to do keyword research

Different bloggers have different methods of doing keyword research. Keyword research can be done with both free and paid tools. While doing keyword research, try to find answers to some important questions. These questions are as follows:

  • Which topic are people searching for the most?
  • How popular is a keyword with your audience?
  • How many times are your keywords searched per month?

How to do keyword research

You can do keyword research in 3 steps.

Step 1: Choose a topic for your article

To do keyword research, you first have to choose the topic of your article. Choose the topic on which you want to write an article and write its head keyword or short tail keyword.

Example: If I want to write an article to sell a laptop, then in such a situation, the topic of my article will be “Best Laptop” or “Best Laptop to Buy." So these will be the main/head keyword and short-tail keyword for my article.

Step 2: Search your topic in the keyword tool

Now you have to choose the best keyword tool and enter your main keyword into it. Nowadays, you will easily find many types of keyword tools on the internet. You will also get free keyword tools. You can search for keywords related to your topic with the help of any tool.

Example: Suppose you have used the Ubersuggest tool. You just have to search by entering your main keyword in the Ubersuggest Keyword Tool. After this, the tool will show you a list of many other keywords related to the main keyword.

Search volume, competition, and CPC will be listed for each keyword in this list. Now you can choose any right keyword as per your choice. Meaning you have to choose a keyword that has high search volume and low competition.

In this way, you can find a great keyword.

Step 3: Related Keywords Related to the Main Keyword

After finding a main keyword in the keyword tool, you will also have to find related keywords. You can also get this keyword from Google's search engine. Meaning, when you type a keyword in Google's search bar, you also see other keywords in the drop-down.

Apart from this, when you search any keyword on Google, some related keywords also appear at the bottom. You can also use them in your article. And you can also add some FAQs to your article.

Note that after doing keyword research, it is also important to write the keywords correctly in the article. Otherwise, there is no use in doing keyword research. Using keywords properly in the article is called on-page SEO.

How to do keyword research for free

If you are a new blogger, then you do not need to buy a keyword tool at all right now. You can also do keyword research using free tools, which can also bring a lot of traffic.

Best free keyword research tools

1. Google Keyword Planner

The first name on the list of free online keyword research tools is Google Adwords: Google Keyword Planner. With this, you will be able to learn about related keywords, monthly searches, and competition. Apart from this, you will also be able to see the CPC range in it.

But keep in mind that with this, you will be able to see CPC and volume, but it does not help much in SEO.

2. Ubersuggest Free Keyword Tool

If you are a new blogger, then Ubersuggest can be the best free keyword research tool for you because it shows you the CPC and keyword competition along with the keywords.

The ubersuggest keyword tool shows you keyword ideas from Google's search suggestions. It gives you search volume, CPC, keyword difficulty, paid keyword difficulty, backlinks, and many other features for free for each keyword.

This can be the best free keyword research tool for you on the internet.

3. Keywordtool.IO

New bloggers should do keyword research with the help of UberSuggest and Because this is the best keyword tool for bloggers. With their help you can do keyword research without any difficulty.

Just type any keyword in the search box and enter it and you will see many keyword suggestions related to it. Which you can use in your article. For the first time, you will see a report of the search volume of that keyword and how much it is trending in 2-3 searches. But after this you will have to purchase this tool. By doing free keyword research, you can only know the keywords.

4. Wordstream Keyword Tool

The Wordstream Keyword Tool is a great keyword research tool. With this you can easily search for keywords for free. With this you can do 30 keyword searches for free, after which you will have to purchase it. If you want, you could do unlimited keyword research by buying it.

5. Google Trends

The next tool on the list of free keyword research tools is Google Trends. Through which you can know which topic is most trending on the internet. You can filter those keywords as per your requirements. You could write articles on trending keywords, which may increase the chances of your blog getting ranked.

Note: While doing keyword research, you should choose only such keywords, which are long-tail keywords. Because there is less competition for such keywords, the article can be ranked quickly.

User intent or keyword intent:

User intent means what kind of results they want to see when they are searching for an answer to a question – their search intent. Are they looking for an answer to a question or want to buy an item or are they looking for a company or brand?

You might have heard a lot about user intent in keyword research, as it is one of the most important factors in the keyword research process.

The important thing about user intent is that you have to provide the information that the user wants to know.

There is no point in creating a page about what you care about – what your user wants or is looking for should only matter to their problems and needs.

If a user is searching for SEMrush login, then the user's intent is to use the SEMrush tool, not to read a blog. If you write a post on this then they will not click on your link.

User intent means understanding the purpose behind the user's question.

Best paid keyword research tools:

  1. Ahrefs
  2. SEMrush
  3. UberSuggest
  4. Moz Pro
  5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  6. Mangools KWFinder
  7. Majestic
  8. Searchmetrics
  9. cognitiveSEO

Benefits of keyword research

There are many benefits to doing keyword research, such as:

  • Keyword research is important to bring good traffic to the blog or website and get a high rank in search engines.
  • With the help of keyword research, you can make your blog or website popular quickly.
  • It helps in increasing the ranking and traffic of your blog/website.
  • You can write SEO-based articles through keyword research.
  • If you write articles by doing keyword research, you can connect with target visitors.
  • Competition and search volume are revealed by keyword research.
  • Writing keyword-based articles definitely increases traffic, and this also increases the domain authority and backlinks of the website.
  • By doing keyword research, you can analyse your competition in a very good way.
  • If you write each of your posts after doing keyword research, then your blog will gain maximum targeted traffic and your post will soon get ranked on Google.
  • The higher your posts rank in search engines, the higher the domain authority of your site.
  • With the help of keyword research, you will also get additional ideas for your blog content.
  • By doing keyword research you can rank your blog for special keywords.
  • With the help of keyword research, you can know what the competition is for any particular keyword and how much effort you need to gain high traffic.
  • The traffic you get when your keyword is ranked in Google leads to more earning from both ads and the affiliate market.
  • Keyword research gives you an idea of how to write content and lets you know the competition and search volume.
  • Keyword research is part of SEO. Writing properly optimised blog posts improves the ranking of your blog.

Necessary precautions while doing keyword research

It is important to keep some important things in mind while doing keyword research. As-

  • New bloggers should choose long-tail keywords when choosing keywords.
  • You should choose a keyword that has a high monthly search volume and less competition.
  • The competition difficulty of the keyword should be less than 20.
  • Choose only a new trending keyword.
  • Understand users' search intent.
  • Choose keywords whose meaning the user can easily understand.


With the help of this article, we have shared with you all the information related to keyword research, like what is keyword research and how to do keyword research, etc. in detail. We hope that my efforts will have been very useful to all of you. Let us tell you how to do keyword research in this article. You must have read the complete, detailed information related to it and today you must have learned a lot.

Hopefully, after reading this article you will have come to know the importance of keyword research. If you are one of those bloggers who does not do keyword research for their blog posts, then start doing it now and notice the changes in your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then definitely share it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

FAQs — what is keyword research

Q: What are the four types of search intent?
1. Informational
2. Navigational
3. Commercial
4. Transactional

Q: What is a long-tail keyword?
Long-tail keywords are keywords that contain three or more words. With such keywords, you can find out the search intent of users. And you can write a good article for your target visitors.

Q: What are the best free keyword research tools?
Any new blogger should use free keyword research tools in the beginning. However, you can also write great articles by using free keyword research tools. Here are some free keyword tools:

Google Keyword Planner
word stream
Google Trends, etc.

Q: Which is the best paid keyword tool?
Talking about the best paid keyword tool, there are many such tools, such as:

Moz Pro
Screaming Frog SEO Spider
mangoolsKWFinder etc.

Q: How do you do keyword research for YouTube?
If you are a YouTuber, then keyword research is necessary to bring traffic to YouTube videos. Before doing keyword research for YouTube videos, you have to choose a topic. After that, you can search for related topics with the help of a keyword tool.

There are many keyword tools for YouTube too, like:

YouTube Autosuggest

Q: What is an LSI keyword?
The full form of the LSI keyword is Latent Semantic Indexing. LSI keywords are those that are synonyms of our focus keyword. These keywords are supporting keywords for the main keyword.

Thanks for reading. 

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