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what is google sandbox, (complete information)

Whenever a new blogger creates a blog or website, his website does not rank in Google immediately; usually, it may take 3 months to 1 year or more to rank a new website in Google. This is caused by the Google Sandbox effect.

Through today's article, I am going to give you complete information about what is google sandbox, how to know if your website is in it, and how to get out of it. After reading this article, all your doubts related to the Google Sandbox are going to be cleared.
So friends, stay till the end of this article and Let us know what is google sandbox. 

What is the Google Sandbox Effect

what is google sandbox

Whenever a new website is launched, Google does not give it a ranking immediately. Because Google does not trust the new website, it does not show the website on the search engine for a certain period of time. This time period can range from a few months to a year or more. The Google sandbox effect, which prevents new websites from ranking immediately on Google's search engine, is called the Google Sandbox Effect.

reason for the Google sandbox effect

In today's time, there is no dearth of content on the internet; there are billions of websites on the internet, and the data of all the websites is stored in Google's database.

Google's search engine can show only 10 websites on the first page of the result page, and the websites that are ranking on the first page are authority sites; their content also has authority, and Google also trusts the old website.

When a new website is launched, it has neither authority nor content, no matter how powerful its content. And Google does not immediately trust the new website because it does not know whether it will work or not.

That's why Google gives more priority to the old website and ranks its content higher.

But Google also gives a chance to the new website that is there and gradually gets the new website ranked or tests the website. If users like the content of the website, Google maintains its ranking; otherwise, it downgrades the website's ranking.

If Google develops a trusting relationship with the website, then gradually all the keywords on the website start ranking, and an improvement in the ranking of the website is seen.

Overall, the biggest reason Google puts any website in the sandbox is the lack of trust in the website.

Google Sandbox Launch

The concept of Google Sandbox came to the fore in 2004, when a big SEO expert realised that his new website was not ranking immediately in Google. No matter how much advanced SEO he did on his website, it was definitely taking some time for the website to rank in Google.

Just from this, the concept of the Google Sandbox emerged. The SEO expert said that Google does not trust the new website immediately; it keeps the website in a sandbox for some time and checks the activity happening on the website.

What Google Says in the Google Sandbox

By now, you must have understood what the Google Sandbox is. Now we know what Google has to say about it.

Friends, Google has never officially mentioned any algorithm named sandbox. The name Google Sandbox was given by an SEO expert after doing a lot of research.

How do I know if a website is in a sandbox or not?

Since Google hasn't confirmed whether they have an algorithm named Sandbox or not, no one can tell much better than Google.

But according to an SEO expert, the following effects can be seen when the website is in the sandbox:

1 – There is absolutely no organic traffic to the new website.

2 – Low-competition keywords should also not rank in search engines.

3 – Suddenly, high traffic comes on a keyword, and after some time, there is no traffic at all.

4 – Not ranking the website even after doing SEO well.

5 – The article is not ranking on Google even after searching for the keywords present in the article title.

How to exit the Google Sandbox

Although there is no fixed time to get out of Google's sandbox, you can get out of it by following some of the things given below.

1 – Publish quality content on the website.

2 – Write a unique article only; do not copy or paste the article from anywhere.

3 – Publish posts regularly.

4 – Keep the on-page SEO of the website correct.

5 – It is also important to pay attention to off-page SEO, like creating backlinks and sharing the post on social media.

6 – Use low-competition keywords.

7 – Follow the Google EAT concept.

8 – And most importantly, keep patience.

Questions & Answers

Q – What is the Google Sandbox Effect?
The Google Sandbox Effect is the lack of organic traffic to a new website for a certain time interval or at all.

Q – How long does a website stay in the Google Sandbox?
There is no fixed time interval for this; a website gets out of the sandbox within 3 months, and then it takes up to 1 year for a website to get out of the sandbox.

Q – Do other search engines like Bing and Yahoo also have an algorithm named Sandbox?
Yes, search engines like Bing and Yahoo also have sandbox-like algorithms. But their algorithm is not as powerful as Google's.

Thanks for reading. 

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