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how to create google adsense account (complete information)

Is the question coming into your mind, how to create google adsense account Account? So then, You have certainly come to the proper place. Here you will learn how to create Google Adsense account step by step.

Google adsense

To create a Google AdSense Account, you must have your own blog, website, or app. in case you do not have a blog or internet site but have a YouTube channel. On the page where you put Quality Videos, you can also apply for Google AdSense for your YouTube Channel.

If you want to sign up for Google AdSense for your blog or website, then read this post carefully from beginning to end.

how to create google adsense account

Before applying for a Google AdSense Account, you have to work on your blog according to the policies of Google AdSense. So that you get Google AdSense approval the first time after applying.

Follow all the steps given below cautiously to create a Google AdSense account. You have to fill out all the correct information here.

how can i create adsense account

To apply for a Google AdSense Account, first click on this link:
Now the website for Google AdSense will open in front of you.

  • Now click on Get Started here.
  • After that, you will get The Google AdSense sign-up page will appear.
  • Now, to fill out this form, enter the address (URL) of your website or blog below Your Website.
  • After that, enter your email address.
  • You can choose whether or not Google AdSense sends you help and performance tips.
  • We recommend selecting "Yes" so that you will continue to receive AdSense notifications. Then You can change your contact's settings later.
  • Now click on Save And Continue.
  • Sign in on your Google Account via confirming your password.
  • After that, choose your country.
  • Review and accept the AdSense terms and conditions.
  • Click on Create Account.
  • Now click on Get Started by clicking Next.
  • You're signed in for your new Google AdSense account.
  • Now you come to the webpage with Payment address details.
  • Here your Account type (choose an individual for yourself), Name, address, mobile number, etc. are filled in correctly.
  • After filling out the form, click on Submit.

If you fill in the wrong name, address, and pincode, then you will not be able to get money from AdSense.

Whichever address you fill in here, an AdSense Pin is sent by post to your home if there is $100 from Google Adsense on the same address.

After setting that Pin on your Google AdSense Account, you have to Verify your address. Only then will you be capable of receiving a commission from AdSense.

After this, you have to set up AdSense a little more carefully. Here is the JavaScript Code. Which you have to copy and paste under <head> in the theme of your website.

If you are doing this for the first time, then it can be a bit hard. But don't worry; we are here to help you.

Let me tell you step by step, in a simple way, how to connect AdSense Code to a blog.

how to add google adsense to website

Here you may see a way to connect WordPress and Blogger with Google AdSense. Initially, we will see how to add google adsense in wordpress website.

how to add google adsense in wordpress website

  • First, go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  • After that, visit Plugins and click on Upload New.
  • Type "Insert Headers and Footers" within the search bar at the top proper.
  • Now, on the first plugin that appears, click on Install Now.
  • After that, click on Activate.
  • After the plugin is activated, click on Insert Headers and Footers in the Settings option.
  • Now go back to your AdSense account and copy the given JavaScript code.
  • After copying the code, come back to WordPress and paste the Java scripts in the header.
  • After that, click on Save.
  • Move back to AdSense and take a look at the "I've Pasted the code into my site" checkbox.
  • After that, click on Done.

how to connect blogger to adsense

  • First of all, open the Blogger Dashboard.
  • Now click on Theme.
  • Click on the drop-down menu in Customise.
  • Then click on Edit HTML.
  • Now go to your AdSense account and copy the JavaScript code.
  • Then locate the head tag and press Enter.
  • And paste the JavaScript Code below it.
  • After that, click on Save.
  • Move back to AdSense and take a look at the "I've Pasted the code into my site" checkbox.
  • After that, click on Done.

Processing starts by clicking on Done. In which AdSense finds out whether you have implemented the code on your website or not.

If the code has been copied or pasted in the right place and in the right way, then "The code was found" will appear. Below that, you have to click on Got It.

As soon as you click, you get a message on your screen saying, "We're reviewing your site". Which means that Google AdSense will review your website, which may take up to 2 weeks.

If you have done everything correctly, Google AdSense will notify you through email.

If you want to apply for a Google AdSense account and you have just created a blog of your own, I would suggest that for the first 2 to 3 months, you just work hard on your blog without any greed.

You should focus on creating nice content for your blog. When your blog has better content than your competitors, only visitors will come to it.

If Traffic is not coming to your blog and you also get Google AdSense Approved, then without traffic, you will not be able to earn even $1 from Google Adsense. Apply for AdSense only when good traffic starts coming to your blog.

Thanks for reading.

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