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What is Alexa rank


Today, there are more than one billion sites on the Internet, and almost every webmaster and blogger wants to know which number our website ranks among these 1 billion websites in the whole world or in a particular country, of which you may also be one.

On one hand, metrics like Moz Rank, Domain Authority, Page Rank, and Page Authority indicate the ability of our website to rank in Google, while on the other hand, Alexa Rank is a metric of the internet world that provides information about the popularity of our site. Gives. This rank has no direct effect on your site's backlinks, SERP rankings, etc. It makes a difference only to your site's traffic and user experience (bounce rate, time on site, etc.).

Alexa rank is very important for our website because people check your Alexa rank to check the popularity of your website. Apart from this, advertisers check your Alexa rank before advertising on your site, and on the basis of that, they pay you for placing advertisements. Therefore, it is important that we try our best to improve the Alexa rank of our website.

In today's post, we have talked about many different aspects of this Alexa rank, such as: What is Alexa rank?; What does this mean for your website? And what steps can you take to increase the Alexa rank of your site?

what is alexa rank

1. What is Alexa rank of a website?

Alexa Rank is a ranking system developed by ‘Alexa Internet’, a subsidiary of Amazon, that works to rank a website on the basis of some data like traffic, bounce rate, dwell time, and ranking keywords. This rank is decided on the basis of data on activities on a site in the last three months.

In simple words, Alexa rank is a measure of the popularity of a website that ranks that site based on the number of people visiting that site and the behaviour displayed by them.

It is worth noting that the Alexa rank of a site is a relative metric and not an absolute one. In other words, the Alexa rank of your site does not depend only on your site; it also indirectly depends on other sites.

If a lot of people are coming to your site but more people are coming to some other site than you, then your Alexa rank automatically deteriorates. Whereas metrics like moz rank, da, pa, and page rank are ‘absolute’. An increase or decrease in the Moz rank, DA, or PA of other sites has no effect on the rankings of our site.

The lower the Alexa rank of a site, the more popular that website is considered.

Your site's Alexa rank shows how popular your site is compared to other sites on the Internet. It also shows the position of your site compared to other websites.
If understood in simple words, it is a measure of how popular a website is. Let us understand with an example:

The website that has an Alexa ranking of 1 will be considered the best website in the internet world; after that, the one that has a ranking of 2 will be considered the second-best site. Similarly, there are crores of websites on the internet, and they have been given the same ranking. 

2. History of Alexa Rank:

Alexa Rank was created in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. He named his company Alexa Internet, which was later bought by Amazon in 1999 for $250 million.

In the beginning, the main function of Alexa was to make people install the Alexa toolbar in their browser and give them suggestions as to which website they should visit after the website they are currently running. Today, this task seems very simple, but keep in mind that this was at a time when even Google had two years left to come into existence.

There came a time in Alexa's life when many antivirus software programs declared it malware i.e. virus. Between 2005 and 2007, many security software programmes like Windows Defender and McAfee declared the tools used in browsers as dangerous for personal security.

3. How is the Alexa rank of a site determined? (How is the Alexa rank calculated?)

Just as a site is tested on the basis of many factors (like backlinks, keywords, and content) to determine its domain authority and page authority, similarly, there are factors to calculate the Alexa rank of a website.

On the basis of which the Alexa rank of a site is calculated. Some of these main factors are given below:

The thing that matters most in the Alexa rank of a website is website traffic. Generally, a site that has a good number of visitors (traffic) also has a good Alexa rank.

The second thing that affects Alexa rank to a great extent is bounce rate (i.e., what percentage of people leave your site quickly). If the bounce rate of your site is very high, then there are high chances that your Alexa rank will also be very high (meaning bad).

The third thing that is kept in mind while determining Alexa rank is time on site (dwell time) (i.e., how long people stay on your website). The higher the dwell time of your site, the higher are the chances that your Alexa rank will be low (meaning good).

Now, with the help of its tools (like the Alexa toolbar and certified accounts), Alexa extracts the data of the sites for the last three months and, on the basis of that, determines how much rank a site should be given. Alexa does this every day because about 3 crore websites present in Alexa's database are updated every day.

4. Why is Alexa rank important for your site? 

If any non-technical person wants to know how big your site is, then he only checks your Alexa rank. Apart from this, most of the advertisers check the Alexa status of your site to place their advertisement on it, and on the basis of that, they decide how much money will be given to you for advertising.

Alexa rank is a measure of your website's popularity; that is, it tells how much people like your website. On the other hand, metrics like moz rank, domain authority, and page rank do not tell the popularity of your site but the SEO and the ability of your site to rank in search engines, and these metrics are important only for technical people. Most people do not care what the domain authority or page rank of your site is; what matters to them is the number of websites in the world, i.e., its Alexa rank.

So perhaps by now you are well aware of what an Alexa rank is and what importance it holds for your website. So let us now know how you can improve the Alexa rank of your website, i.e., how you can reduce it.

5. How do I lower the Alexa rank of a website? (How to improve Alexa rank):

The Alexa company updates its site popularity metric Alexa rank daily; that is, every day the Alexa rank of about 3 crore sites is updated, whereas things like Moz rank, DA, and page rank take a lot of time to update. So in this, you can quickly see the increase in popularity of your website. These are some tips with which you can improve the Alexa rank of your site.

I). First of all, make the content of your site excellent, because unless the content is good, people will not like to visit your site.

II). The second thing you have to pay attention to is the SEO of your site. Although the SEO of your website does not directly affect your Alexa ranking, indirectly, it is important to improve the Alexa ranking of your site. Because if the SEO of your website is good, then your site will appear first in the search engines, due to which more and more people will be able to visit your website, and the popularity of your site will start increasing. Therefore, to improve the Alexa rank of your website, pay attention to the search engine optimisation (SEO) of your website.

III). Try to make the content of your site interesting so that people stay on your site for a long time, which will reduce your bounce rate and at the same time increase the dwell time of your site.

IV). Write posts on your website on those keywords for which other sites in your niche are writing and getting a lot of traffic.

V). Create backlinks for your site. Quality backlinks improve every aspect of your website's ranking. Therefore, definitely create backlinks.

6. How do I find out the Alexa rank of a website? (How to Check Alexa Rank):

To check the Alexa rank of your website, you can visit the official Alexa website. Apart from this, you can also know the Alexa rank of your site by typing “Alexa Rank Checker” in Google.

7. Various tracking tools for Alexa:

Alexa uses two methods to track the popularity of a website:

first method –

Alexa Browser Toolbar (Estimated Data):  Many people use Alexa's browser extension to know the traffic data of various websites. Alexa collects data on the sites visited by these people, and based on this, it estimates the popularity of different sites; this is called estimated Alexa traffic.

second method –

Alexa Certified Stats:  People who register their site with Alexa by paying money have Alexa track it well by putting a code in their site. The data obtained in this way is not based on guesswork but is completely real. But this does not mean that Alexa increases the rank of people's sites by paying money; it only takes money to track those sites and give them data.

8. Other ranking systems like Alexa (Site Popularity Ranking Systems):

Alexa is Amazon's ranking system. But this does not mean that there is no other rank like it. Here are some ranking systems that measure the popularity of a site, which work similar to Alexa but are not as popular as it:

1. SimilarWeb
3. Compete.Com
4. QuantCast

9. Is it necessary to improve the Alexa rank?

Yes, improving Alexa rank is very important for any blog or website. If you are a blogger, then it is very important that you try to improve the Alexa rank of your website.

This is because it provides better authority, creates a good impression in the minds of advertisers and readers, and it also helps in increasing your revenue.


Alexa rank tells how popular your site is among people. You should give special attention to this. But this does not mean at all that you just keep checking the rank of your website all day long. It would be wise to check the Alexa rank of your website once a week.

So, friends, this was our today's post on “Information about Alexa rank." How did you like this article? Please tell us through a comment.

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FAQ — what is alexa rank

Q: Is it necessary to improve Alexa rank?
Improving your Alexa rank is very important because, with it, readers can trust you more and you can also get better advertisers, which can increase your revenue.

Q: Which website has the first Alexa ranking?
The first Alexa ranking is for, which we know as the world's largest search engine.

Q: What is a good Alexa rank?
If the Alexa rank of any website is within 30,000, then it is considered to have a good Alexa ranking. The lower the number, the better the rank will be considered.

Q: How many people visit Alexa every month?
More than 100 million people visit Alexa every month.

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