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what is google search console | complete information

If you want to become a blogger or you are a blogger, then you must have heard about the Google Search Console tool. This is a free and very powerful tool provided by Google to the publisher that is used by all bloggers.

By the way, blogging is incomplete without this tool. But many new bloggers do not know what is google search console, how to use it, or what its benefits are.

If you also do not have information about Google Search Console, then you have come to the right blog. In today's blog post, I have tried to explain what is google search console to you very well. So let's start this article without taking much of your time and know in detail what is google search console.

google search console

what is google search console

Google Search Console is a tool given by Google to publishers that can be used for free. To use Google Search Console, the user must have a blog or website.

With the help of this tool, you can get information about the organic traffic coming to your website, such as how many users visited your website on a particular day, which keywords the users searched for, etc.

Apart from this, with the help of this tool, you can improve the SEO of your website, get information about which of your pages are being indexed by Google, find out every single error coming from the website, remove any URL from Google searches, etc.

Before the year 2015, Google Search Console was known as the Google Webmaster Tool, but on May 20, 2015, Google changed the name of this tool to Google Search Console.

As I told you, to use Google Search Console, you must have a blog or website. If you have a blog or website, then you can add it to Google Search Console and track your website's performance, ranking, user experience, etc.

how to use google search console

By now, you must have understood what is google search console. Let us now understand all the options in Google Search Console one by one. By understanding all these options, you will easily learn how to use google search console. 


As soon as you login to Google Search Console, an overview page opens in front of you. In this, there is a quick overview of your website's performance and SEO. In Overview, you can see performance, coverage, experience, etc. all on a single page.


This is the most important part of Google Search Console, from where you can check all the organic traffic to your website. If traffic is coming to your website from Google Discover and Google News too, then you can check all that from here. As soon as you click on the tab with performance, you will see the following options:

Total Click: How many clicks came from the search engine on your blog or website?

Total Impression: how many times your website was shown in the search engine.

Average CTR: CTR stands for click-through rate; it shows how many users click on average after viewing your website.

Average Position: The average position in the search engine of your website is called "average position." With this option, you can find out at what rank your keywords are ranking on average.

You can also check all these matrixes by applying a date filter. The default filter in the search console is "3 months, i.e., all the above matrix is visible to you for the last three months. Apart from this, you can also check all these matrixes in images, news, and videos on your website. You get some more options, like below, so that you can track your website traffic properly.

Query: This means that users are accessing your website by searching for a keyword. You can find all the ranked keywords on your website here.

Page: How much traffic is coming to which webpage? They can check here.

Country: From which country is traffic coming to your website?

Device: From which device are users visiting your website?

Search Appearance: Apart from the search results on your website, you can check the information about where the traffic is coming from here.

Date: You can check date-wise clicks, impressions, CTR, and position on your website.

URL inspection

Through URL inspection, you can find out the status of all webpages or all URLs on your website. Like whether a particular URL is indexed in Google or not, is there any problem with any webpage, etc. Also, through URL inspection, you can get your new post indexed by Google.

You enter the URL of the new post on your website in URL Inspection, and then, by clicking on Request Indexing, you request indexing of the URL.


After Performance, there is an option for Index, which shows your website from Google's point of view. In the index, you get the options of coverage, sitemap, and removal.

i) Coverage

In the coverage section, you can check what the error is in your website from Google's point of view, or when Google's crawler came to your website, what was the problem with crawling the website? You also have detailed information about which pages are not indexed. Available in the section on coverage.

Error: This section contains all the pages of your website that Google could not crawl due to some problem.

Valid with Warning: In this section, Google tells you about those webpages that have been crawled but have a small mistake in them.

Valid: This section contains all the webpages that have been indexed by Google.

Excluded: This section contains those webpages whose indexing you have blocked through the Robots.txt file or Robot Tag, or such webpages of the website that Google has not intentionally indexed.

ii) Sitemap

Through this option, you can add the sitemap of your blog to the search engine. But first, you need to create a sitemap. A sitemap is a map of your website that contains all the important URLs from your blog that you want to get indexed quickly.

If your website is built on WordPress, then you can generate a sitemap with any SEO plugin like Rank Math, Yoast SEO, etc. If your website is built on Blogger, then you can create a sitemap for free with the Sitemap Generator.

iii) Removal

If you want to remove any of your webpages from search engines, then you can do it with this option. As soon as you open the option for removal, you have to click on New Request and add the URL of the webpage here that you want to remove.

After this, the process has to be completed by clicking on Next. Now, within 24 to 48 hours, that URL of yours will be removed from the search engine. But it is on a temporary basis, only for 6 months.


After Index, you get the option of Experience. In this, you also get the following three options:

i) Page Experience

Page experience gives you information about the visitor's interaction with your website. Like, when a visitor came to your website, how long did he stay, did he face any problems accessing the website, etc.? Based on these, Google tells you the number of good URLs on your website in percentage. You can view this report on both a desktop and mobile basis.

There are mainly five factors affecting the page experience.

Core Web Vitals: The loading speed of the website and the layout should be correct.

mobile usability: The website should be mobile-friendly.

Security Issue: If the website takes personal details from the user, then it will have to take full care of the user's security.

HTTPS Status: An SSL certificate should be installed on the website.

Ad Experience: There should not be too many advertisements in comparison to the content on the webpage.

ii) Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals is an SEO matrix that applies to all webpages. With its help, you depend on the loading speed, layout, etc. of the website. Three things come inside Core Web Vitals.

Large Contentful Paint (LCP): After opening the webpage, how much time is spent loading the largest content? It should always be less than 4 seconds.

First Input Delay (FID): How long after clicking on a link present in the webpage, the user is being redirected to the webpage related to that link. If the user is redirected within 100 milliseconds, then your FID score will fall into the "Good" category.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): There should not be any element in the webpage; borrowed shift. Like any button that is showing up while loading the webpage and showing down after loading if it is CLS. If a website's CLS score is within 0.1 seconds, it falls into the "good" category.

You can check the report of Core Web Vitals according to mobile and desktop to see how many of your webpages have any of the above three errors and how many webpages are absolutely perfect.

iii) Mobile usability

Through this option, you can check how many of your webpages are mobile-friendly and how many are not. You can also check the report of the webpage that has any errors here.


In Enhancements, there is a report of Structure Data or Schema Markup present on your website. That is, you can see the report of all the schemas added to your website from Enhancements. According to your website, there may be more or fewer options in the section with enhancements.

The Enhancements report is generated on the basis of the schema markup of your website. As you are using the FAQ Schema, the option of FAQ will be enabled in Enhancement; similarly, using the Review Schema will enable the option of Review. Similarly, AMP, Sitelink Searchbox, Breadcrumb, etc. options can be enabled in Enhancement.

The enhancement report tells you whether your Structure Data website has been properly implemented or not. On opening the report of any structured data, you get three options.

error: You can check all the errors in the webpages containing the structure data of the website from here, along with the reason for the error.

valid Warning: This section contains information about those Structure Data webpages of the website that have been indexed, but there is a small mistake in them.

Valid: You will get information on all your Structure Data pages that have been successfully indexed in this section.

Security and Manual Action

After this, you have the option of taking security or manual action. Manual action is taken by humans, whereas security action is taken by crawlers.

Manual Action: If any manual action has been taken by Google on your website, then you will get its information in this section.

Security Action: If any security action has been taken by Google on your website, then you will find its information in this section.


In this section, Google gives you information about all the links related to your website. You can get information about the external link, internal link, and backlink of your website from this section.


This section is completely for the website owner. From here, you can add a new user to the search console, change the settings of the search console according to your own, or remove the property from the search console.

what is google search console? By reading this blog post until now, you must have learned how to use google search console. Now let's also know about the benefits of google search console

benefits of google search console

  • You can check the complete organic traffic of your website.
  • You can track the keywords on your website.
  • You can get information about all the webpages of the website, like which pages are being indexed and which are not, what the error is on which webpage, etc.
  • You can remove any bad URLs to improve the ranking of the website.
  • You also get information about how users are interacting with your website in the search console.
  • You can check the report of all structure data present on the website.
  • You can get information about all types of links on the website.

Thanks for reading. 

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