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What is a web server, Types, Definition (complete information)


Whenever you search a web page in your web browser, the browser displays that web page in front of you within 1 second. But has this question ever come to your mind: who sends these web pages to the browser, where are these web pages stored, etc.? So for your information, let us tell you that these web pages are present on some web server, which brings the web page in front of you on your request.

But do you know what is a web server? How does a web server work? How many types of web servers are there? what is the use of web server? What are the features of web server? And what is the difference between web server and web hosting? If you want to get all this information, then read this article till the end.

In this article, we have provided you all the above information about web servers, so without taking much of your time, let's start today's article on what is a web server. 

What is a web server

What is a web server

A web server is a computer system or piece of software that delivers web pages to the user as per the user's requests. Web servers use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to deliver data to the user.

The data (text, image, video, audio, file, etc.) of all the websites present on the Internet is stored on some web server or another. When the user searches a particular URL on his web browser, this request is sent to the server. It is passed, and then the web server presents the webpage related to that URL to the users.

As you search in your browser, this request goes to the web server of, and then our web server shows our website in front of you. Every web server has its own domain name and an IP address by which that web server is identified.

Web servers can be divided into two parts. One is the machine or computer in which the data on the website is stored, and the other is the software that serves the web page to the user. The computer system that delivers web pages to the user is called a web server.

Definition of web server

A web server is a computer system that stores the content of a website and delivers the data to the user upon request.

How does a web server work

If you have some knowledge of computer terms or technology, then understanding the workings of a web server is not a very difficult task for you. We have told you in simple language how a web server works.

When you search for any query or keyword on Google, the search engine shows you a list of websites related to your query based on its algorithm.

When you click on a website, your browser requests that webpage from the web server of that website, and the web server sends the webpage back to the browser, and the browser displays that page in front of you.

The web browser first obtains the IP address of that website. Browsers use two methods to obtain an IP address: either searching for it in the cache or requesting it from multiple DNS (Domain Name System) servers.

After receiving the IP address, the browser requests that web page from the web server. And if the web page is on that web server, then the browser shows that web page in front of you, and if that web page is not on the web server, then the browser shows you an error of 404.

This is how a web server works. The main function of a web server is to serve the webpage as per the request of the client.

Types of Web Servers

There are mainly 7 types of web servers:

Apache HTTP Server
Internet Information Server
NGINX Web Server
Lightspeed Web Server
Jigsaw Server
Sun Java System

1 Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP Server is the most famous web server in the world. This server is used the most in the world. This server was invented by the ‘Apache Software Foundation’.

Apache HTTP Server is an open-source web server, so anyone can download it from the internet and use it for free.

This server can be installed on Linux, Unix, Windows, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X. Installing this server is also quite easy.

2: Internet Information Server

The Internet Information Server has been developed by Microsoft. It is connected to the server operating system, due to which it is easy to operate.

This server can be installed only on the Windows operating system. The customer support of this server is very good, due to which the user does not have to face many problems.

It is not an open-source server, due to which its code cannot be edited or modified. The Internet Information Server includes all the features of the Apache HTTP Server.

3: NGINX Web Server

NGINX is also an open-source web server like Apache, which includes IMAP and POP3 proxy servers. This server is popular for its high performance, stability, simple configuration, and low resource usage. The best thing about Nginx is that it does not use threads to display a web page. Many hosting companies use NGINX servers.

4: Lightspeed Web Server

A light-speed web server has the highest speed compared to other servers. If you want fast speed for your website, then you can use this web server. 

5: Lighttpd

Lighttpd is an open-source web server. This server is quite good in terms of security, and the user does not need to spend money to use it because it is a free web server.

Lighttpd can be operated on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems. In modern times, this server is used to run 0.1 percent of the world's websites.

6: Jigsaw Server

Jigsaw is an open-source and free web server written in the Java language. It can run on a wide variety of platforms, like Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS.

7: Sun Java System

The Sun Java System is a web server that is primarily used to run large websites.

It is not an open-source server, due to which its code cannot be seen. Although this server is absolutely free, it is not open-source. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Unix Platforms.

Web server security method

Its methods are as follows:

1- Proxy

A proxy is used to hide the main web server. It works as a medium between the web server and the user. When a user sends a request to a web server for any data or file, then the proxy receives the request sent by the user and communicates with the web server.

2. Access restriction

This is a technology that limits the use of a web host's infrastructure machines and SSH (Secure Socket Shell).

3. Network monitoring

Network monitoring ensures that no unauthorised activity is going on on the web server.

4: Firewall and SSL

Firewalls and SSL are used to provide security to a web server. The main function of firewalls and SSL is to monitor all the requests coming to the web server.

Web Server Features

Following are the features of a web server:

1: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is used in web servers to serve websites and web pages.

2: Apart from HTTP, FTP and SMTP protocols are used in this.

3: We can upload and download data on the web server.

5: It keeps web pages safe from hackers.

6: The main function of a web server is to control and manage website hosting.

7: The web server creates FTP, which can upload or download the files of the website.

8: The web server also performs the function of determining the default document or non-default.

9: The web server is helpful in solving problems faced by the website, like server not found, http error, etc.

10: Web servers use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), through which communication is established between the client and the server.

11: The web server also gives login permission to the master to upload or download large files or collect data while surfing the Internet.

12: A web server provides a secure environment for the user while surfing the internet. The web server uses the standard port 443 of HTTPS instead of the normal port 80 of HTTP.

13: It is possible to serve multiple websites simultaneously on a web server through virtual hosting.

What is the use of web server

Following are some of the major uses of web servers:

  • The web server delivers the web pages on the Internet to the user.
  • The web server also does the work of managing the hosting of the website.
  • Web servers create file transfer protocols so that website files can be uploaded or downloaded.
  • The web page accepts requests from different internet users and delivers information to them as per their requests.
  • The web server is helpful in solving the problems faced on the website.

Differences between web servers and web hosting

Below, we have told you the difference between web servers and web hosting.

Web server

1. A web server is a computer system that runs websites or blogs.

2. Web servers are used to host websites which can consist of one or more websites.

3. The web server network provides services to other devices or programmes.

4. The main purpose of a web server is to store web pages and deliver them to the user.

5. Types of web servers include proxy servers, mail servers, application servers etc.

Web Hosting

1. Web hosting is basically the process of using a server to host a website.

2. Web hosting makes the website accessible to the user through the Internet.

3. Web hosting allows individuals and organisations to make their websites accessible via the WWW (World Wide Web).

4. The main purpose of web hosting is to host all the webpages of the hosted website on your server, setup it and resolve technical problems.

5. Types of web hosting include shared hosts, dedicated hosts, cloud hosting etc.

Advantages of web server

The advantages of web servers are immense, which is why the use of web servers is increasing so much. Let us know about the benefits of web servers.


Web servers provide a secure environment for the user while surfing the Internet. The web browser uses the standard port 443 of HTTPS instead of the normal port of HTTP and provides secure and authentic data access to the user.

ease of finding information

With the help of a web server, we can get any type of information on the internet, so that the user can get information about his queries from the web server with the help of a browser as per his convenience.

log in

It allows the web server master to log in to download and upload large files while surfing the Internet, and at the same time, the webmaster can collect data from the web server.

easy activities

If a user wants to configure the log files present on the web server, he can easily go for it. Configuring web files opens the door to analysis of the operating system and web traffic.

ability to download

If you maintain a website on which such knowledge is made available and a large number of people like to download it, then a web server can prove to be very beneficial for you. Bandwidth is very important for any downloading website; if your site uses a web server, you will have fewer bandwidth restrictions. Using a web server also helps improve the speed of the website.

Advantages of web server, in Brief

1: Most of the web servers are open source, whose code can be changed by the user as per his wish and can be modified by that server.

2: Web servers are free, and the user does not need to spend money to use them.

3: Web servers provide flexibility in hosting, due to which it becomes easier to control hosting.

4: It is easy to configure the log files present on the web server.

Disadvantages of web server

Along with the benefits of a web server, there are also some disadvantages to using it. Let us know in detail about the disadvantages of web servers.

higher price

If we talk about the cost of a web server, it is much more than electronic web hosting. To use the web server, the user has to pay for monthly plans, which can be quite expensive for different web servers.


Most people use web servers because of their convenience, but the benefits you get from them depend on the type of website. If you have an online site, then using a web server proves beneficial for you; otherwise, not.


Using web servers can sometimes cause security issues. There are some web servers that also allow HTTP traffic, which can impact security. So it is important that you choose a web server that allows only or mostly HTTPS traffic.

high traffic

As we know, a website that uses a web server has a higher amount of traffic, due to which the load on it is also higher. Sometimes your website may go down due to excessive traffic.

Disadvantages of web servers, in brief

1: Not all web servers are free or cheap. Some web servers are also quite expensive.

2: Some web servers lack security. If you use a cheap web server, there is a risk of data theft.

3: A web server does not work without the internet. Therefore, it becomes difficult to use web servers without the internet.

4: Not all web servers are open source.

Conclusion: what is a web server

In today's article, we have provided you with detailed information about what is a web server. In this article, we have explained to you the types of web servers, uses of web servers, features of web servers, and the difference between web servers and web hosting. It is described clearly. If you have read this article carefully, then you must have gotten all the useful information about web servers.

We hope that you have liked this article written by us. If you liked this article, What is a Web Server?, then share it with your friends and on social media platforms. And keep visiting our blog to read such informative articles.

FAQs: What is a web server

Q: Who invented the web server?
The first web server was invented by 'Tim Berners-Lee' in 1989.

Q: What is a web server?
A web server is a special type of computer system in which web server software is installed, and then these web servers deliver web pages to the user as per the user's request.

Q: What do you understand by web server?
A web server is the software or computer that serves web pages—that is, the software that delivers web pages to users. Web servers are used to host websites. HTTP, FTP, and SMTP protocols are used in this.

Q: How many types of webservers are there?
There are many types of web servers, like Apache, LiteSpeed, Nginx, and IIS, etc.

Q: What is the function of a web server?
Web servers store data from websites on the Internet and then serve the data upon request to users.

Q: Who makes the communication between the web server and the web user?
The web browser establishes communication between the web server and the user.

Thanks for reading. 

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