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What is google ads (complete information)


Hello friends, Do you know what is google ads and how does google ads work? While browsing the internet, you must have seen ads running on websites, YouTube channels, and mobile applications. Most of these advertisements are shown through Google Ads only.

In today's blog post, we have given you very detailed information about Google Ads. After reading this article, all the doubts related to Google Ads will be removed from your mind.

Google Ads is an online advertising service with the help of which a business or individual can market its products and services to the right people.

So without taking much of your time, let's start today's article and know what is google ads in detail.

What is google ads

What is google ads

Google AdWords, now also known as Google Ads, is an online advertising service with the help of which any business owner can deliver his products and services online to his targeted audience.

With the help of Google Ads, companies can show advertisements for their products online on Google and its partner websites.

Google Ads works on a CPC (cost per click) model; that is, the advertising provider has to pay only when the user clicks on his ads. Through Google Ads, advertisers can easily run advertisements on the Google search engine and its partner websites.

Google AdWords was launched by Google in 2000. In 2018, Google changed the name of Google AdWords to Google Ads; since then, this tool has been known as Google Ads. Google is the world's largest search engine, which earns money in many ways. Google Ads are also the main means of earning for Google.

At present, Google Ads is the most reliable advertising programme compared to other paid advertising programmes like Instagram Ads and Facebook Ads because, through Google Ads, we can reach our product or service only to people interested in it, and Google Ads is the best way to reach a high-quality audience. 

How does google ads work

Any business owner (advertiser) who wants to promote his product or service through Google Ads creates an account on Google Ads and runs ads. Google Ads provides many types of facilities to the advertiser so that the advertiser can show his ads only to those people who are interested in his business.

After this, Google Ads shows its ads on the ad network selected by the advertiser. You will learn further about the Ad Network in Google Ads.

To show advertisements on websites, mobile applications, and YouTube channels on the Internet, Google Ads has to use Google AdSense. With the help of Google AdSense, any website and mobile app owner, including YouTube channels, can place ads.

When a user takes any action on an advertiser's ad, like clicking, crawling, etc., the advertiser has to pay Google Ads for each action. This is how Google Ads works.

Google advertising network

Google Ads mainly includes two networks, the first of which is the search network, and the second is the display network, so let us understand them in detail:

1. Search network

This is a type of search-related website where advertisements appear. When we place advertisements in the search network, our advertisement is shown in the search results of sites like Google Maps and Google Shopping.

Under this, search ads, call-only ads, and dynamic search ads are shown, which are often seen as label ads on the search result page.

2. display network

This is a group of more than 20 lakh websites, apps, and videos, i.e., display network ads shown on YouTube, Android apps, and websites. Ads coming on Display Network are especially in formats like text, video, and images.

Types of google ads

There are mainly five types of ads in Google Ads, with the help of which advertisement providers are able to deliver their advertisements to internet users. We have told you about all these one by one below.

#1: Search Ads

Search ads are usually in text form, which is visible to the user on the search engine results page. In a search ad, the advertiser has to run an ad targeting a particular keyword, and when the user searches that keyword, the ad appears in the search engine. In a search ad, the advertiser has to pay only when the user clicks on the ad.

#2: Display ads

Display ads are usually in the form of images that users see on websites or apps. With the help of display ads, you can do good branding for your business and find new customers for it.

In display ads, advertisers select keywords, and then Google Ads shows the advertisement on the blog or website related to it. For example, if a company advertises a product related to health, then its advertisements are shown only on health-related blogs.

#3: Video Ads

Video ads are in the form of videos, which users can see on YouTube channels, apps, and websites. In video ads, the advertiser has to pay only when the user watches the entire video ad.

#4: Shopping Ads

You can increase the sales of your products through shopping ads. To run shopping ads, first you have to create your account in Google Merchants Centre and then link the account to Google Ads. Shopping ads increase the chances of selling more products because, along with the text, the product's price, picture, and store name are also shown.

#5: Universal App Campaign

If you own a mobile app, you can promote it on all platforms through a universal app campaign, such as search ad networks, display networks, YouTube, etc. With the help of the Universal App Campaign, you can get your app installed as much as possible, and you have to pay only when people install your app.

How to create a google ads account

Creating an account in Google Ads is very easy; for this, you only need to have a Gmail ID. We have told you the complete process below to create an account in Google Ads.

  • First of all, you have to search by typing Google Ads in your browser and then login to the official website of Google Ads.
  • After this, you will get the option to sign in on the right side. Click on it.
  • Now you will have 2 options, out of which you have to click on New Google Ads Account.
  • Finally, you can run ads for your business by creating an account in Google Ads with your Gmail ID.

How to create a google ad campaign

To run advertisements on Google Ads, you have to create an ad campaign, which is very easy. You can create a Google Ads campaign in the following ways:

#1: Create a new campaign first

You will see the option of a new campaign on the Google Ads dashboard; click on it.

#2: Set a goal

While creating ads on Google Ads, first of all, you have to set your goal, meaning for what purpose you are running the ads. There can be many purposes for running paid advertisements, such as:

  • To bring traffic to the website.
  • To increase product sales on the eCommerce website.
  • To promote YouTube videos.
  • To generate leads for businesses, etc.

#3: Select a Campaign Type

After setting your goal, you have to select the campaign type for the type of ad you want to run. Like search, display, video, etc.

#4: Campaign Setting

In Campaign Setting, you have to do some more settings, like:

  • You have to select the location where you want to show ads.
  • Along with this, select the language as well.

#5: Keywords and Ads

This is one of the most important parts of Google Ads; in it, you have to select the keywords on which you want to show ads. Along with this, you have to write an attractive ad copy so that the user clicks on your ad and also add the URL of the landing page, which the user will reach after clicking the ad.

#6: Budget

When your ad is created, you have to set the budget limit for your ad. The more money is spent, the more you set the budget limit, and the ad also runs accordingly. Apart from this, you can later increase or decrease your budget according to the campaign.

#7: Live Ads

After the ad is complete, your ad goes for review, after which the Google Ads team checks your ads. If the ads follow Google's policy, then within about 24 hours, the ads become live on the selected platform and become visible to the user.

So in this way, you can create a campaign in Google Ads.

How does google advertising work

Google Ads are based on an auction system; on the basis of this, Google Ads works, if understood in detail. Advertiser's ads are run by checking all the criteria, like how much competition there is on an ad pattern, which advertiser is setting, and what the quality score is.

The higher the bit amount and quality score of the ads of the advertiser, the better and higher position he is given; that is, on the basis of the bit amount and quality score, it is decided at what number your ads will be shown. The advertiser whose ads are at the top is the one that is visited the most.

A quality score is a type of Google rating that Google gives to an advertiser's ad on the basis of the relevance of keywords and pay-per-clicks. The advertiser whose ad has the best quality score is shown at the top.

Note: The cost of ads depends on the competition and industry of your keyword. For example, if we talk about the financial sector, it is the most money-making industry, so the cost of ads is also the highest in it.

Advantages of google ads

Google ads are very beneficial for all types of businesses. Some of its major advantages are as follows:

  • You can only show your company's ads to people who are interested in your business.
  • If your business is in a local area, then you can show your ads only to the people of that area.
  • You can also select at what time you want to show the ad. For example, if you do not want to show ads at night, then you can do all these settings through Google Ads.
  • In Google Ads, you have to pay only when the user clicks on your ad.
  • You may run ads as per your budget.
  • By branding your company, you can reach more people in less time with your products and services.
  • You can do remarketing; that is, if a user came to your site but did not take any action, then you can show your business ads only to them again.
  • If you are an affiliate marketer, then you can boost your earnings with the help of Google Ads.
  • You can bring unlimited site visitors to your website.
  • Can grow the YouTube channel.

Apart from all these, Google ads also have many benefits.

Disadvantages of google ads

Along with the advantages of Google Ads, there are also some disadvantages, such as:

  • To promote your business with Google Ads, you need money.
  • To use Google Ads, you must have digital marketing skills; otherwise, your money can be wasted.
  • Ads require testing to perform well, so initially you are less likely to get good results.
  • Many times, your competitors may click on your ad, which increases your advertising cost.
  • When the balance in your account runs out, your ad stops showing.

What is the difference between Google AdSense and Google Ads?

Many people do not know what the difference is between Google AdSense and Google Ads. Both are Google products, but they are completely different from each other.

Google AdSense

  • Publishers earn money from Google AdSense.
  • Google AdSense is only for publishers.
  • Publishers show ads from advertisers on their websites, apps, and YouTube videos through Google AdSense.
  • This is a type of ad network.

Google Ads

  • Advertisers invest their money in Google Ads.
  • Google ads are only for advertisers.
  • Through Google Ads, advertisers get their ads shown on publishers' websites, apps, and YouTube videos.
  • This is a type of paid advertising programme.

Features of google ads

  • Google Ads is a trusted advertising platform.
  • Advertisements can be monitored through Google Ads.
  • Through Google Ads, you can run ads in many types of formats.
  • Google Ads is the most popular and most used advertising platform.
  • Many websites are associated with Google Ads' Partner Program. Due to this, Google Ads delivers the advertisement to the appropriate consumer.

Conclusion: what is google ads

So, friends, in today's blog post, we told you what is google ads and How does google ads work. Along with this, in this post we have also taught you about Types of google ads, advantages and disadvantages of Google Ads, and creating campaigns on Google Ads.

If you do blogging, affiliate marketing, or run a business, then Google Ads is a very beneficial tool for you. With its help, you can also boost your earnings by increasing the sales of your products and services.

If you still have any questions related to Google Ads, then you can ask us in the comment box. If you have gotten some benefit from the information given in this article, then definitely share it with your friends on social media.

Thanks for reading. 

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