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What is google adsense


If you want to earn money online, then you have definitely heard about Google AdSense. This is a way through which you can earn thousands of dollars every month. Many bloggers and YouTubers around the world earn money through Google Adsense only.

But do you actually know what is Google AdSense, How does google adsense work, and How to earn money from google adsense? If you do not know all this about Google Adsense, then it is very important for you to understand all this before earning money from Google Adsense.

In today's article, we're going to inform you about Google Adsense in very simple words, so that all the doubts related to Google Adsense are removed from your mind.

So without wasting any time, let's start today's article and know what is google adsense in detail.

Google Adsense

What is google adsense

Google AdSense is a product of the Google Company and is a CPC (cost per click)-based ad network. Google Adsense is the world's largest ad network and has neither a shortage of publishers nor ad providers.

Google Adsense works as an intermediary between the publisher and the ad provider. Publishers have to get approval from Google Adsense to show Google Adsense ads on their property (a website or YouTube channel). Without Google Adsense approval, no publisher can show Google's advertisements on its property.

When a user clicks on these Google advertisements on the Internet, Google pays money to the publisher; this is where the publishers earn.

How does google adsense work

Google Adsense works as an intermediary between advertising providers and publishers. Publishers are those who provide content on the internet, such as bloggers or YouTubers. Advertisement providers are those who give advertisements to Google for the promotion of their company.

Advertisement providers have to pay money to run ads on Google so that Google can show their ads to as many people as possible. To show advertisements, Google needs a platform, such as a website or YouTube channel, where it can show advertisements.

Those who are publishers have to get approval from Google AdSense to show advertisements on their websites. When their blog or channel is approved by Google AdSense, they are able to show advertisements on their property.

Google has the data of all its users, so it shows only those advertisements to its users in which the user is interested. You must have often noticed that you get to see the same advertisements on YouTube or Google about the things you like.

In this way, the sales of the advertising provider's products also increase. If a user clicks on an advertisement, its publisher gets more money. Google gives 68 percent of the ad revenue to the publisher and keeps the rest for itself.

This is how Google makes money. So this was the complete way of working of Google Adsense.

How to earn money from google adsense

To earn money from Google AdSense, you will need a blog, website or YouTube channel. Without these, you cannot earn money from Google AdSense. If you have a blog or YouTube channel, you can earn money from AdSense in the following ways:

1: Earn money from Google Adsense by creating a blog

To earn money from Google AdSense through a blog, you will have to create a blog and keep publishing posts on it regularly. When your blog has 25–30 articles, you can submit it for Google AdSense approval.

If your blog gets approved, you can show Google Adsense advertisements on your blog. When a user clicks on an advertisement, Google pays you money. Many bloggers in the world earn lakhs of rupees per month by showing Google Adsense advertisements in their blogs.

2: Earn money from Google Adsense through YouTube channel

To earn money from Google AdSense via YouTube, you'll need to create a YouTube channel and keep publishing videos on it regularly. When your channel has 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours, you can monetize it through Google Adsense and earn money.

Be it a blog or YouTube channel, to get approval from Google AdSense, you have to create your content as per Google's guidelines so that you can get AdSense approval quickly.

How can i make money from google adsense

There are two methods to earn from Google Adsense, which are as follows:

#1. Impression

How many people visit your blog or website every day and watch ads? This is called "impression. There is no fix as to how much money will be earned on how many impressions, but according to many blogs, it is easy to earn $1 on 1000 impressions.

#2. click

When a user visits your blog or website and clicks on your ads. So this earns you more money than your impression.

What is google adsense pin

When the amount of $10 is completed in your Google Adsense account. So to verify your address, the Google Adsense team sends a 6-digit PIN code to your given address; this PIN is called the Google Adsense PIN.

This PIN comes to your address by post. You need to enter this PIN on your Adsense dashboard. After entering this PIN number, your address gets verified.

Conclusion: what is google adsense

After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of Google AdSense. If, like thousands of people, you also want to earn money from Google Adsense, then definitely create your own blog or YouTube channel so you can earn money online while sitting at home.

We hope that you have liked this article written by us on what is google adsense. Share this article with your social media friends and also tell them about earning money from Google AdSense.

FAQs — what is google adsense

Q: How much money can you earn from Google Adsense?
You can earn lakhs of rupees per month from Google Adsense; there is no limit; it completely depends on your work.

Q: How much money can you withdraw from Google Adsense?
You can withdraw a minimum of $100 through Google Adsense. When 100 dollars are in your account, you can request a withdrawal. Between the 21st and 25th of every month, Google Adsense payments automatically come to your bank account.

Q: How many days does it take to get Google Adsense approval?
You get Google Adsense approval according to the quality of your content. It is difficult to give an exact time because some bloggers get approval in 5 to 7 days. Whereas for some, it takes months to get it.

Q: How much money can you earn from Adsense?
You can earn thousands to lakhs of dollars from Adsense.

Q: It costs money to create a Google Adsense account.
No, you do not have to pay any money for this. A Google Adsense account is similar to creating an account on Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform. For this, you only need to have a blog or website.

Q: Can anyone create a Google Adsense account?
Yes, those who want to earn money on the internet through their website or YouTube channel can create an account.

Thanks for reading. 

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