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what is tubebuddy


what is tubebuddy

Who doesn't know YouTube? It is a source of entertainment, knowledge, and new information for millions of people. Apart from this, it is also an income source for many people. Many YouTubers are earning lakhs a month from YouTube.

Seeing these, many youths also work hard day and night to try their luck on YouTube and create new channels. Despite making quality videos, his channel is not able to grow so much that he can earn a good income. The reason for this is the lack of proper use of SEO on their videos.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the way by which you can bring your YouTube video to the top on Google and YouTube searches. It works on both blogs and YouTube.

A good SEO depends on using the title, tag, description, and thumbnail of the video properly. On YouTube, we do not know which keywords our videos will get good searches for. To solve this problem, there is an extension programme called TubeBuddy Extension. So let's know what is TubeBuddy. 

What is tubebuddy

what is tubebuddy

TubeBuddy is a great web browser extension that helps a lot in improving the SEO of your YouTube channel videos, and for this, you do not have to download any other software. Because it is just a small extension that is available for both Chrome and Firefox.

If you want to earn a good income from YouTube, then TubeBuddy is a boon for you. This is a research and planning tool for YouTube creators. This software connects directly to the YouTube channel and suggests what should be the title, tag, description, and thumbnail of the video. It also shows the ranking position of the previous video. It has all the features that help grow a YouTube channel.

Tubebuddy Features

1. Channel Report

Tubebuddy tells you in detail about the growth of the channel and gives you a report card on your channel. In this, you can see the views, subscribers, and engagement of each of your videos. Also, this report tells you in which region and at what time your video is being viewed more. And to which content does your audience react more, and what kind of videos do they like? With this, you can know the rank of your video and increase your subscribers.

2. Tag Lists, Tag Explorer, and Suggested Tags

This is the most powerful feature of this tool, with the help of which you can know the tags of videos on any other channel. There is also an option to explore tags in this, with the help of which you can find new tags for good ranking by putting a single keyword tag. And when you upload a video on Youtube, it will automatically suggest some tags according to the content of the video, whose search is very high.

3. Tubebuddy keyword tools

It gives you a keyword tool with the help of which you can get that keyword for your YouTube channel, which has less competition and more traffic. With which you can also make your video viral on the internet.

4. Thumbnail Generator

Many people have this problem: they make a good video but cannot make its thumbnail correct. Remember, the thumbnail is the life of your video; people click on the video only after seeing it, so it should be good. Tubebuddy's Thumbnail Generator lets you create a great thumbnail for free.

5. Vid2Vid Promotion

With the help of this feature, you can promote any of your videos within other videos on your YouTube channel.

6. Description Promotion

With the help of this feature, you can automatically promote the description of one of your videos in the description of other videos.

7. Create an animated gif

You do not need any other tool to make animated gifs; you can also make animated gifs from your video in this tool itself.

8. The Best Time to Publish Your Video

This is another awesome feature that helps your YouTube videos go viral. This option tells you which day and time are best to publish your videos.

9. Create a playlist

This software creates an effective playlist for your YouTube channel so that the user can watch all your videos from the playlist.

10. Comment Management (Canned Response)

You can read and reply to your comments with TubeBuddy. Many comments reveal the shortcomings of the channel. You can increase the quality of your YouTube channel by managing your comments.

11. Auto translation

If you want to make your video viral worldwide, then it should be available in other foreign languages as well. Tubebuddy easily translates your videos, with the help of which you can make your videos available in other languages as well.

12. Publish to Facebook

It publishes your YouTube videos on Facebook to help grow subscribers.

TubeBuddy Pricing

This is an absolutely free extension with which you can analyse your YouTube channel. Many of its features are free. If the income of your YouTube channel is good, then you can upgrade and use its advanced features. There is a cost to upgrade it. For more information, visit its official website:

Official Website:

How to install tubebuddy

After seeing all the features, there will be a question in your mind: how to install tubebuddy? So to install it, you just have to install the extension on your web browser and connect your channel to your TubeBuddy Extension Account. After that, you will be able to use it completely in your YouTube dashboard and video manager.

Tubebuddy can be installed on Chrome or Firefox web browsers. Keep in mind that TubeBuddy is an extension, not software. Its link is available below: 

Install TubeBuddy

Tubebuddy on mobile

Its Android app is also available on the Google Play Store, which you can download on your mobile and get information about the growth and subscription of your channel from your mobile itself. 

Install TubeBuddy App 

Conclusion: what is tubebuddy

To earn from a new YouTube channel, first of all, you need to have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time. For this, you need to have the right knowledge of SEO. This software helps you meet these needs quickly.

I hope now you understand what is tubebuddy. And how can you grow your YouTube channel with this?

Thanks for reading. 

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