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What is email marketing (complete information)


What is email marketing

If you do digital marketing and do not know about email marketing, then you are missing a big opportunity to promote your product and blog. Email marketing is a very important part of digital marketing. Which is very important for you to understand?

There was a time when there were very few means, like television, radio, newspapers, banners, etc., to promote your product. But as technology developed over time, new methods kept emerging in marketing. Out of which, email marketing is a very effective method.

If you want to know about email marketing in detail, then you must read this article till the end, because in today's article I will tell you what is email marketing. How do I do email marketing? And I will also tell you about types of email marketing, etc.

So without wasting much of your time, let's go straight to our article and try to learn about email marketing in detail.

What is email marketing

What is email marketing

Email marketing is a very important part of digital marketing. With the help of which companies send information and offers about their products to the users through email to promote their products. With the help of email marketing, you can send your product to many users with one click and increase your customer base.

In today's time, email marketing is very powerful because about 94% of Internet users use email, and 99% of these users are those who regularly check their email inbox. Due to this, the conversion rate in email marketing remains high compared to other digital marketing techniques. If you spend $1 in email marketing, you get an ROI (return on investment) of $36.

Nowadays, email marketing is very cheap. That's why 60 to 70% of companies use email marketing to build trust with customers. Email marketing lets customers know all the information about your brand. Due to which the customer develops a good relationship with you.

If you understand simple language, when you sign up on any website or buy any product online, you have to provide your email ID there. After which, companies email you from time to time about their products and their offers. This is called email marketing.

History of email marketing

A computer engineer named Ray Tomlinson sent the first email in the year 1971. He had written only a series of numbers and letters in this email. After which, a new era of communication began.

Ray Tomlinson was the one who used the @ symbol in the email address. After this, in the year 1978, Marketing Manager Gary Thuerk sent the first commercial email to tell people about the new product of Digital Equipment Corp.

After this, in the 1990s, the Internet became available to all people. Since then, email marketing has become an important part of digital marketing.

Why is email marketing important

When anyone launches a new product or service, he wants that people get a good reaction to it and that it gets more sales.

Due to this, they resort to digital marketing to promote their products. There are many methods of digital marketing, like Quora marketing, Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing, etc. With the help of which you can easily promote your blog or product.

Now you might be thinking that nowadays people use social media the most, so why is email marketing important?

So let me tell you that people use social media for entertainment. You get a low ROI (return on investment) from social media marketing. Whereas people use email for important work, as a result, your ROI increases. Therefore, it is very important to use email marketing to promote your business.

How does email marketing work

Email marketing is very cheap and effective compared to other digital marketing methods. Due to this, it is used a lot.

If you want to do email marketing, then you will have to get the email ID of such users. Those who are interested in your blog or product For this, you can use an email marketing tool or any other method.

After this, you can send information about your product, its offers, new product information, etc. to the users with the help of email.

When users see your email and like your products, offers, etc., they will visit your website and purchase them. This is how email marketing works. The main objective of email marketing is to generate customers or traffic.

Types of email marketing

After reading until now, you must have understood well what is email marketing. Now we will tell you about the types of email marketing. With the help of which you can reach your customer or their inbox.

Below, I will tell you some common types that most of the big companies use for email marketing.

welcome email
New content announcement
Event Invitation
Newsletter Email
Product update email
Dedicated email
Co-marketing email
Seasonal campaign
Confirmation email
form submission email
Lead nurturing
Re-engagement campaign email
The post-purchase

How to collect emails for email marketing

Before doing email marketing, it is very important for you to know how you can collect emails. If you don't have emails, how will you be able to do email marketing? To collect emails, you can follow the process given below.

#1: Blog or Website

If you already have a blog or website and it gets a lot of traffic, you can create a contact form to receive emails. After this, whenever a user comes to your blog and fills out this form, just like that, his email will come to you. After which, you can collect his email.

#2: Social Media

In today's time, almost every person uses social media. You can take advantage of this by collecting emails. For this, you have to give offers on your products from time to time, share them on social media, and also add the link to the form along with it. After which, whenever a user fills out this form, you will get an email.

#3: Facebook Ads

You can run ads on Facebook, but you will have to spend money for this. But with this, you can collect many emails in a very short time.

How do I do email marketing

After reading until now, you must have understood what is email marketing and how to collect emails. Now we will tell you step-by-step how to do email marketing. So let's know about it.

Email marketing is based on automation. In which an email marketing tool is used. To do email marketing, you just have to setup this tool properly as to when and what emails you want to send to the users. In this, you have to add all the emails to which you want to send messages. Let us know, step-by-step, how to do email marketing.

Step #1: First of all, create your business or professional email. Which you can create very easily with the help of Gmail.

Step #2: After this, you collect the email. You can use blogs, social media, and Facebook ads to collect emails.

Step #3: Now you have to set up your email marketing tool as to when and what messages you want to send to the users. You will find many types of tools online for email marketing. You can use any tool.

Step #4: After this, you will have to create an email template. To be successful in email marketing, it is very important to have a good template. The purpose for which you sent the email The template should also be the same.

Step #5: After doing this, you are ready to send emails to users. With the help of the Email Marketing Tool, you can also see in which folder the email you sent has reached.

How to earn money from email marketing

You can earn money more quickly and easily through email marketing than through social media or SEO. Just for this, you should have a good target audience.

Believe it or not, you get more ROI (return on investment) from email marketing than from other digital marketing. You can add 40 times more new potential customers with email marketing than with social media.

You can earn money from email marketing by following the following process:

  • You sell advertising in the email newsletter.
  • Sell your product or service.
  • Sell affiliate products.
  • Charge money for premium content.
  • Earn money from sponsorships.
  • Sell digital products.

What is email marketing strategy

Email marketing, which is something different in itself, is completely different from other types of marketing. In this case, we do not do marketing for competition, so this marketing is a little different. And in this type of marketing, we need a strategy.

Strategy is such a part of marketing without which we are able to do marketing, but not for long. Therefore, marketing done with strategy remains intact for a long time. Therefore, today we will tell you the important factors related to this. Which you have to keep in mind and follow while doing email marketing.

Factors related to email marketing strategy:

Use a domain email: We should never use ESP while doing email marketing. We have to send emails using domain email.

Automation process with strategy: Whenever we automate email in email marketing, we have to set it under a strategy. So that it can operate easily.

Use of A/B testing: We should use A/B testing while running email marketing campaigns. So that we can know which campaigns are better.

Use of attachment elements: whenever we create an email, we have to keep in mind that we have to use attachments in it. Like a photo, video, file, etc.

Use an attractive subject line: This is one such factor in email marketing. The one who has the most impotence Because this is what the user sees first, it is very important for it to be attractive.

Individual targeting: This is a factor in all types of digital marketing and is found only in email marketing. In this way, you can target the customer individually.

Use a responsive design: When we design the email, we have to keep in mind whether the design we are using is responsive for all devices or not.

Proper use of calls to action: This is an important part of any type of marketing. Wherever the user takes any action, wherever the type of call to action is required, there should be that type of CTA (call to action).

Never use spammy email:  In the world of email marketing, many people tell you what to do, but very few tell you what not to do. We should never use spam emails. These are neither effective nor profitable for our marketing.

Important terminology related to email marketing

These are the terms related to email marketing that you will come across while doing email marketing. If you are going to do email marketing, then you must know about these words. So let us know about the important terminology related to email marketing:

1. what is click through rate (CTR)

CTR is the biggest term in digital marketing. Which is useful in every type of marketing. This is a formula to find out the clicks.

The formula for cTR is click/impression ×100.

From which we find the click rate. Example: Suppose your email got 1000 impressions, and out of them, 500 people clicked. So what will your CTR be?

CTR will be 500/1000 × 100 = 50%.

2. what is email automation

Email marketing, which is based only on automation, In automation, everything is automated. Such as when the emails will be sent, how many emails will be sent, and to whom. All this is already automated. We cannot be available all the time. Therefore, by automating things, it does not matter where you are; emails will be sent at the time set.

Email marketing automation tools list


3. what is SMTP 

SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) This is a protocol for sending emails. We can send emails only by following the rules and regulations of SMTP. These are the protocols for sending emails. If you have to send an email to anyone, you can send the email only by following the protocol of SMTP.

If you send an email going against the rules of SMTP, the email will not be sent.

Example -
If you want to create email software, you can do so by following the rules of SMTP. If you do not follow SMTP rules in your email tool, your software will not be able to work.

4. what is spam email

These are emails that are sent in bulk. These come without permission and are only used for promotion. Spam emails have only one purpose, which is to sell products. These emails are also known as unwanted emails.

Spamming emails fall under email marketing. And they only spam in the name of email marketing. You can never do email marketing this way. The conversion/open rate of people who use spamming in this marketing is always low.

5. what is ESP (email service provider) 

You must have heard of Gmail. And many of you might be using it too, so he is an ESP. Anyone who provides email service is an ESP. Email service providers add extensions at the end.

As -

ESP provider list


Benefits of email marketing

There are many benefits to email marketing. Due to which companies use it the most. So let us know some of the following benefits of email marketing:

  • With email marketing, you can directly tell your customers about your product and generate more sales.
  • It is very easy to do email marketing. Just for this, you have to set up the email marketing tool properly.
  • You can easily track your customers with the help of an email marketing tool.
  • You can send emails to many people at once with one click.
  • The conversion rate is very high in email marketing. Due to this, it is extensively used in digital marketing.
  • You get a very good ROI (return on investment) from email marketing. If you invest 1 dollar in email marketing, you can earn 36 dollars from it.
  • Email marketing creates a good relationship between the customer and the company.
  • With email marketing, you can earn more money by driving traffic to your blog.

Disadvantages of email marketing

The thing that has more benefits It also has some disadvantages. Similarly, email marketing also has some disadvantages, which are as follows:

  • If you do not design the email properly, then it can go to the customer's spam folder. Due to which you will not be able to get any benefit.
  • If your emails go to such people, those who are not interested in your blog or product can unsubscribe from your email.
  • If you add too large a file to the email, the customer will close your email before it is fully opened.
  • If you have good knowledge of email marketing, only then should you run an email campaign. Otherwise, you can't take advantage of it.

Conclusion: what is email marketing

In today's article, we told you: what is email marketing? It has been explained in simple language and in detail, so you can do email marketing very easily. It is a powerful digital tool for selling any product and a better way to generate smart revenue for your business.

Email marketing has the largest reach and greater return on investment (ROI) than any other social media available for marketing today.

I hope you liked this article very much. If so, then you must share this article with your friends on social media.

FAQs — what is email marketing

Q: What are the benefits of email marketing?
Email marketing can help deliver products to target customers, increase sales, recover abandoned shopping carts, and further develop your relationship with your customers. Apart from this, there are many benefits to email marketing, like:

  • low-cost, high conversion
  • Exact marketing
  • personalised marketing
  • Sales improvement
  • increase lead
  • Increase awareness
  • collect feedback
  • Higher ROI

Q: What is email automation?
Email automation allows you to create complex email campaigns that automatically send emails based on tasks. In automation, everything is automated. Such as when the emails will be sent, how many emails will be sent, and to whom. All this is already automated.

Thanks for reading. 

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