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what is IP address | how many types of IP address


what is IP address

When using the Internet, we send and receive data from one area to another. Along with this, data travel also happens. IP address are used in this whole process; today we will discuss what is ip address. and how many types of ip address there are.

what is IP address

what is ip address

An IP address is the identification of a user on the Internet. It is represented by numbers (0–255). Just as a home or office has an address, a smart device that supports the Internet also has an address of its own. Which we call an IP address. It is also called a logical address. This means an IP address is present on our smartphone, computer, laptop, and other smart devices. An IP address's full name is INTERNET PROTOCOL ADDRESS.

types of ip address

If you have ever heard about IP address then you ought to know that there are many types of IP address. While all IP address are made up of numbers and letters, not all IP address function the same way.

So let's know approximately how many types of ip address there are.

Private IP Address
Public IP Address
Static IP Address
Dynamic IP Address

The matter does not end here. There are also two types of ip address: an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address.

Private IP Address

These are used "inside" the network, as you probably run it at home. This type of IP address is used to communicate between your devices, routers, and other devices in a private network.

Private IP address are set manually or may be assigned routinely by your router.

Public IP Address

This type of IP address is used on the "outside" of the network and is assigned by the ISP (Internet Service Provider). This is the same primary address used in your home or business network to communicate with network devices around the world (that is, the Internet).

It affords a way for your devices to get access to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) so that you can communicate immediately with websites and different devices around the world from your very own personal computer.

Both private and public IP address can be either dynamic or static, meaning they may or may not change.

Dynamic IP Address

An IP address that is assigned by a DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server is known as a dynamic IP address.

Static IP Address

When If a device does not have DHCP enabled or does not support it, the IP address is assigned manually. So this assigned IP address is called as static IP address.

types of ip address

There are two types of IP address: IPv4 and IPv6, about which you will learn in detail later.

what is IPv4

It's known as Internet Protocol Model 4, and it has 32 bits and 4 octets. Its range is from 0 to 255. And from this, 4 billion IP address can be generated.


IPv4 Classes

There are five (5) Classes of IPv4: A, B, C, D, and E.

Class A: 0 to 126
Class B: 128 to 191
Class C: 192 to 223
Class D: 224 to 239 Used For Multicasting
Class E: 240 to 255 Used For Research

what is IPv6

It is called Internet Protocol Version 6, and it is an enhanced and improved version of IPv4. It includes 128 bits and 8 octets. Its range is from 0 to 65535. And from this, 340 trillion IP address can be generated.

Example- 3FBB:1806:4545:2:100:L8FF:FE21:P75

IP address usage

  • Internet using
  • file sharing.
  • Multiple devices connecting.
  • To install a local server host.

what is my ip address

How to see your own IP address. For this, we have given below two methods: By following this, you will easily be able to know your IP address.

how to find my ip address

1– First of all, go to the web browser on your mobile device or computer.
After going to the browser, search on Google for What is my ip address?
When searching, you will see your IP address.

2– If you need to know the IP address of your mobile phone, then first you need to go to Settings > About Device > Status. You will see your phone's or tablet's IP address along with other information.

how to check ip address of computer

  • Press the Ctrl and R keys simultaneously on the computer keyboard. Run, and it will open.
  • Type CMD in Run and press OK. This will open the command prompt.
  • Now type ipconfig in the command prompt and click enter.
  • Now you will see your IP address.

difference between ipv4 and ipv6


Length: 32 bits
Total octet 4
Range 0 to 255
4 billion IP address


Length: 128 bits
Total octet 8
Range 0 to 65535
340 trillion IP address

some important things

  • One IP address cannot be used on two or more systems.
  • In view of many shortcomings in IPv4, it was upgraded to IPv6.
  • Your IP address can be hidden by using a VPN.

Questions and Answers

Q: What is the number of digits in an IP address?
There are four numbers in total in the IP address. For example, your IP address may look something like In this, every number is present in a set between 0 and 255.

Q: What is my IP address?
The IP address is different for everyone. In this case, if you want to know your IP address, then you have to search in your browser for "What is My IP Address". By doing this, your IP address will appear in front of you in the search result.

Q: What's the IP address of my mobile phone?
In case you need to recognise the IP address of your mobile phone, then first you have to visit Settings > About Device > Status. You may see the IP address of your cellphone or tablet, along with other information. 

Q: Does changing the SIM card change the IP address?
Yes, when you change your SIM card, your IP address will change. These IP address are available to all network devices. In this case, on every occasion you connect to a new network connection, your IP address also changes.

Q: Which protocol assigns an IP address to the connected clients on the Internet?
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a computer networking protocol used by devices (DHCP clients) to assign IP address to connected clients on the Internet.

Q: How many classes are there in an IP address?
There are five classes of IP address. Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E. 

Thanks for reading.

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